University Computer Centre
Our Mission
The Computer Centre is the central IT service provider at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. We operate the information technology infrastructure, service applications and IT-supported processes to ensure the work of the three essential core areas of teaching, research and administration at the University of Applied Sciences. With its expertise, the Computer Centre aims to provide competent advice on all IT issues.
Where can I get help?
Students and faculty staff can ask their departmental administrators for assistance.
Employees in central administration and central facilities can contact the University Computer Centre if they have any questions.
You can contact us via the ticket system, the email address 333@fh-erfurt.de, by telephone at 0361 6700-333 or during office hours in room 7.E.13 at the Service Desk.
Services for students
Some services (e.g. Microsoft) can only be used once you have started studying at our university.
Hochschul-Account (university account)
Your "Hochschul-Account" is the your central login name. You will receive this with your enrolment documents. After you have activated your account, you will have access to our services and apps.
( more information | user portal )WiFi "eduroam"
The Wi-Fi network "eduroam" is available to you at our university and at many other institutions around the world. To access it, use your university account with the addition of your home institution's domain "@fh-erfurt.de".
( more information )Individual data storage
A private storage area is available for you to store your own data. It is accessible from anywhere in the world and is backed up daily.
( NetStorage )Workstations
You will find PC workstations for free use in the university library and the PC pools of your faculty.
Email communication at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt takes place exclusively through your @fh-erfurt.de address. You can check your mail either using web access from your browser or IMAP access from an app.
( more information | web access )E-learning
The e-learning platform offers you numerous functions for your studies and enables you to exchange information through pinboards, forums or chats in self-contained course areas.
( more information | e-learning platform )Exchanging data
You can quickly share larger files with other people for a limited period of time with "GigaMove". In addition, storage space can be provided so that files can be received.
( more information | GigaMove )Cloud services
For flexible access to files, the Computer Centre offers a secure cloud solution. Auch Tools zur Kommunikation und Teilen sind integriert.
( more information | Nextcloud )Conferencing services
The Computer Centre provides the Cisco cloud service Webex as a collaboration platform for video/audio conferencing, online meetings, online training, online events and webinars.
( more information | Cisco Webex )Printing and photocopying
Use your thoska+ to print and photocopy up to A3 format at cost price at the following locations:- Altonaer Straße (University Library)
- Schlüterstraße (room 209)
- Leipziger Straße (room LZ 1.E.04)
Scheduling tool
With the online scheduling tool of the German Research Network (DFN), polls can be taken easily, quickly and without compromising your privacy.
( DFN-Terminplaner ) -
You can compile and view your own timetables via our timetable portal and access them using your calendar app.
( timetable portal )E-learning
The e-learning platform offers you numerous functions, such as easy retrieval and posting of course materials, assignment upload, electronic tests or the integration of a forum in a self-contained course area. You can apply for rooms, courses and authorisation from your course administrator.
( more information | e-learning - Moodle )Student ID card thoska+
This multifunctional chip card can be used for a variety of purposes, such as student ID, semester ticket, library use and cashless payment.
( more information )Student records
In your student records you can register and unregister for examinations, view your transcript of grades and generate certificates of enrolment.
( student records )Software for your studies
You will find computer pools with specialist software in your faculty. Please contact your departmental administrator for information on usage times and access options.
( departmental administrators )Software for private use
For the duration of your degree course, certain software companies offer students the opportunity to use their apps on your private end-user devices free of charge.
( more information )Media technology in classrooms
For information on the use of centrally managed rooms equipped with media technology, click here.
( more information )Borrowing technical equipment
Please contact your departmental administrator for information on borrowing presentation equipment.
( departmental administrators )
Direct links
You will find direct links to our online services at the top of the page.
Services for staff
Some services (e.g. Microsoft) can only be used from the beginning of your employment contract.
Hochschul-Account (university account)
Your "Hochschul-Account" is the your central login name. You will receive this with your employment contract. After you have activated your account, you will have access to our services and apps.
( more information | user portal )WiFi "eduroam"
The Wi-Fi network "eduroam" is available to you at our university and at many other institutions around the world. To access it, use your university account with the addition of your home institution's domain "@fh-erfurt.de".
( more information )Individual data storage
A private storage area is available for you to store your own data. It is accessible from anywhere in the world and is backed up daily.
( NetStorage )Workstations
You will find PC workstations for free use in the university library and the PC pools of your faculty.
( departmental administrators ) -
Email and calender
Our university uses a groupware system. Email communication at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt takes place exclusively through your @fh-erfurt.de address.
( more information | web access )Telephone and fax
If required, you have access to a modern telephone and fax service.
( more information )Printing, photocopying and scanning
Using your thoska+ card, you can print, photocopy and scan your documents anywhere in the university.
( more information )Exchanging data
You can quickly share larger files with other people for a limited period of time with "GigaMove". In addition, storage space can be provided so that files can be received.
( more information | GigaMove )E-learning
The e-learning platform offers you numerous functions, such as easy downloading and uploading of course materials, uploading of assignments, electronic tests or the integration of a forum in a self-contained course area. You can ask your designated administrator for rooms, courses and user rights.
( more information | e-learning platform )Cloud services
For flexible access to files, the Computer Centre offers a secure cloud solution. Auch Tools zur Kommunikation und Teilen sind integriert.
( more information | Nextcloud )Conferencing services
The Computer Centre provides the Cisco cloud service Webex as a collaboration platform for video/audio conferencing, online meetings, online training, online events and webinars.
( more information | Cisco Webex )Scheduling tool
With the online scheduling tool of the German Research Network (DFN), polls can be taken easily, quickly and without compromising your privacy.
( DFN-Terminplaner ) -
Timetables are managed centrally on your behalf. You can view your timetables online and access them using your calendar app.
( timetable portal )E-learning
The e-learning platform offers you numerous functions, such as easy downloading and uploading of course materials, uploading of assignments, electronic tests or the integration of a forum in a self-contained course area. You can ask your designated administrator for rooms, courses and user rights.
( more information | e-learning platform )Time-tracking system
In the time-tracking system, you administer the times you are at work or absent, such as for business trips or holidays.
(more information | time-tracking system)Cloud services
For flexible access to files, the Computer Centre offers a secure cloud solution. Auch Tools zur Kommunikation und Teilen sind integriert.
( more information | Nextcloud )Student records
In the "Studienkonto" (student records) teachers record their students' grades. This application is only accessible within the university network.
( student records )Evaluation
The university offers you the opportunity to have your courses evaluated.
(more information)Staff ID thoska+
This multifunctional chip card can be used for a variety of purposes, such as for clocking in and out of the time-tracking system, using the central printers, borrowing materials from the library and cashless payment.
( more information )Software for your work
Discuss your requirements for software licences with your department.
(departmental administrators)
Here are some examples.Software for private use
For the duration of your employment, certain software companies offer students the opportunity to use their apps on your private end-user devices free of charge.
(more information)Plagiarism checking software
The "Ouriginal" software is a platform that automatically checks documents for plagiarism.
(more information)Media technology in classrooms
For information on the use of centrally managed rooms equipped with media technology, click here.
( more information )Borrowing technical equipment
Please contact your departmental administrator for information on borrowing presentation equipment.
( departmental administrators )
Direct links
You will find direct links to our online services at the top of the page.
Services for structural units
The structural units of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt include faculties, institutes, central facilities, projects and administration.
Function-based email address
It is possible to request email addresses for specific functions and departments that can be accessed by several people at the same time.To do this, staff should use the workflow on PIP
- Please click on the "+" in the bottom right corner to create a new process
Students need to use our request form
(PIP workflow | formular | (OWA) web access function-based email)
Project drive (in-house)
You can request access to data storage areas with individual read and write permissions for the exchange of data within the university.
(Departmental administrators)Exchanging data
You can quickly share larger files with other people for a limited period of time with "GigaMove". In addition, storage space can be provided so that files can be received.
(more information | GigaMove)E-learning
The e-learning platform offers you numerous functions, such as easy retrieval and posting of course materials, assignment upload, electronic tests or the integration of a forum in a self-contained course area. You can apply for rooms, courses and authorisation from your course administrator.
(more information | e-learning - Moodle)Website and Internet domain
You can apply for an Internet domain and storage space for a website via the University Computer Centre.Telephone and fax
Modern telephones and a fax service are available if required.
(more information) -
Consult with your department to determine the software licenses required.
(Departmental administrators)Media technology in classrooms
For information on the use of centrally managed rooms equipped with media technology, click here.
(more information)
Services for guests
Guest authorizations are valid for a maximum of two years and must be renewed regularly.
Hochschul-Account (university account)
Your "Hochschul-Account" is the your central login name. You will receive this with your enrolment documents. After you have activated your account, you will have access to our services and apps.
(more information | user portal)WiFi "eduroam"
The Wi-Fi network "eduroam" is available to you at our university and at many other institutions around the world. To access it, use your university account with the addition of your home institution's domain "@fh-erfurt.de".
(more information)Individual data storage
A private storage area is available for you to store your own data. It is accessible from anywhere in the world and is backed up daily.
(NetStorage) -
Email communication at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt takes place exclusively through your @fh-erfurt.de address. You can check your mail either using web access from your browser or IMAP access from an app.
(more information | web access)Timetable
You can compile and view your own timetables via our timetable portal and access them using your calendar app.
(timetable portal)E-learning
The e-learning platform offers you numerous functions, such as easy retrieval and posting of course materials, assignment upload, electronic tests or the integration of a forum in a self-contained course area. You can apply for rooms, courses and authorisation from your course administrator.
(more information | e-learning - Moodle)Exchanging data
You can quickly share larger files with other people for a limited period of time with "GigaMove". In addition, storage space can be provided so that files can be received.
(more information | GigaMove)Media technology in classrooms
For information on the use of centrally managed rooms equipped with media technology, click here.
(more information)Borrowing technical equipment
Please contact your departmental administrator for information on borrowing presentation equipment.
(departmental administrators)Scheduling tool
With the online scheduling tool of the German Research Network (DFN), polls can be taken easily, quickly and without compromising your privacy.
Direct links
Error message: The account has not been set up on this device because device management could not be activated.
Cause: When logging on to Office 365 with your university account, you accepted Microsoft's suggestion to not only log on to the program, but to log on everywhere.
Solution: In Windows, go to Settings - Accounts - Email and Accounts - log out of your university account, restart it and only log in to Office.
- Are you on campus?
- Come to our Service Desk with a valid ID card (or equivalent)
- Not on campus?
- Request a new password from the Service Desk and you will receive it by (letter) post to the address we have on file
- Do you still know your initial password?
- Contact Service Desk and ask them to restore your initial password
- Are you on campus?
- Students:
- Via the web: https://fhemail.fh-erfurt.de/
- App/program
- IMAP: imap.fh-erfurt.de (port:993, security:SSL)
- SMTP: smtp.fh-erfurt.de (port:587, security:STARTTLS)
- Login: university account
- Staff:
- Via the web: https://group.fh-erfurt.de
- App/program must support Exchange
- enter the email address for your university account
- enter the password of your university account
- Domain\user name: fhe\university account
Apple-Mail: Hochschulaccount@fhe - if applicable, specify the server: group.fh-erfurt.de
- Students:
- Select the Wi-Fi SSID "eduroam"
- Enter your university account and add "@fh-erfurt.de“
e.g. ab1234cd@fh-erfurt.de - Enter your password and connect
- Accept certificate (radius...) if applicable
- To check, select the "internal certificate store"
- Enter the domain: "fh-erfurt.de“
- Leave the anonymous registration box blank
- Some services (e.g. Microsoft Office) can only be used once you have started studying or have signed an employment contract.
In the user portal you can see whether you have authorization for your primary role and when the start date is.
- Some services (e.g. Microsoft Office) can only be used once you have started studying or have signed an employment contract.