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Language Centre

Course Certificates for Summer Semester 2023

Your course certificates for the optional language classes held this semester (not compulsory courses!) can be collected from our secretary's office (room 5.2.13) from the middle of October.

Please submit your course certificates to the Examinations Office in order to receive your credits, as this information cannot be passed on automatically.

Intercultural workshops STUDYING IN GERMANY

Learn how to understand the rules and expectations of studying in Germany, avoid cultural misunderstandings and communicate effectively in university life.

When: Wednesdays 08 and 22 November 2023 | 14:00 – 17:00 hours

Where: SR 2.1.07

Lecturer: Dr. Susanne Schrabback from Centre of Fundamental Studies

Language Courses at the University of Erfurt

Students at the University of Applied Sciences can also attend language courses at the University of Erfurt and receive credits for them. Registration for these courses has already begun. You will find more information here.


Dr. Susanne Schrabback

+49 361 6700-7828schrabback@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 2.2.06

Secretary's Office, Centre of Fundamental Studies

Secretary's Office

Daniela Buchwald +49 361 6700-7811glz@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 5.2.15

Professional Skills

Succeed with your studies and in the job market. Choose one or more courses from this series and be awarded 2 credits each.



  • The Language Centre team can provide support for all (foreign) language needs and problems, for example, we can help you with your applications or other documents such as exposés etc.

    Furthermore, students are always welcome to contact the Language Centre for advice on specific langauge problems, whether it's grammar or vocabulary or preparing presentations in a foreign language. In these cases, we can arrange individual tutoring sessions.

  • The Language Centre also offers in-house translation services (German-English) and proofreading (English) for departments and staff at the university. We are also developing an FHE German-English glossary that is updated regularly in order to establish a standardized university-wide English to be used for all FHE communications with the outside world (website, brochures, flyers, etc.).

    • Language courses for staff
    • Intercultural events
    • Support for university-wide events

International Students at FH Erfurt

Why study here? Listen to what our students say!