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  2. University Executive Board

University Executive Board

The University Executive Board is made up of the President and his Vice-Presidents, together with the Executive Vice-President.

The President heads the University Executive Board and has the authority to issue directives. Together with the other members of the University Executive Board, he determines their areas of responsibility and business. Each Vice-President and the Executive Vice-President make their own decisions within their own portfolio.
If there is a tie in collective decisions, the President shall have the casting vote.

The tasks of the University Executive Board include:

  • adopting resolutions on the application for the federal state budget,
  • adopting resolutions concerning allocation of resources and funding,
  • reviewing university teaching posts that become vacant,
  • consideration of gender equality issues,
  • coordinating cooperation between governing bodies and university members,
  • annual reports to the University Council and the Senate,
  • issuing fee schedules.
Documents and forms

You can find all important documents on the intranet


Secretary to the President

Sandra Quensel +49 361 6700-7011praesidialamt@fh-erfurt.de Campus Altonaer Straße 25 | 7.2.08

Sekretariat des Präsidiums

Maja Westphal 0361 6700-7013kanzleramt@fh-erfurt.de Campus Altonaer Straße 25 | 7.2.08


The President represents the university judicially and extrajudicially in dealings with third parties. Among other duties, he is responsible for the day-to-day business of the university, the maintenance of order and the enforcement of campus regulations. He shall ensure that the lecturers properly fulfil their teaching and examination obligations as well as their responsibility for supervising the students.


Prof. Dr. Frank Setzer


Administration Manager for the Executive Board

Stefanie Bauer

+49 361 6700-7002stefanie.bauer@fh-erfurt.de Campus Altonaer Straße 25 | 7.2.07