Microsoft Exchange / Outlook

The Computer Centre provides a groupware service with Microsoft Exchange for all lecturers and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. In addition to managing emails, Microsoft Exchange offers other functions that are especially useful for group work. The Computer Centre only provides and supports MS Outlook as a mail program and Outlook Web Access (OWA) for web access.

Do you need a functional mailbox or do you want to extend or delete an existing mailbox or change access rights?

To do so, employees should use the workflow in PIP 

  • please click "+" at the bottom right to create a new process

Students should use our form for such requests.

  • Regardless of the operating system you use, you can access your emails from any browser using "OWA - Outlook Web Access", a fully functional web client.

    The Computer Centre provides all employees of FH Erfurt with access to the email program "Outlook".
    Please note: Thunderbird does not support Exchange protocol.

    All users can use it on their mobile devices. Please note: Due to data protection regulations, it is not possible to use the Outlook app on Android/iOS to acces your mail. However, any other email app that supports Exchange protocol can be used. 

  • The following data is required to set up your email client:


    Domain\user name: fhe\ab1234cd

    On mobile clients, your university account is created as an additional account (type=Exchange). In this case, select manual set-up.
    After that, you can configure what is to be synchronized on this device. All the installed apps can then be used for mail, calendar and contacts.

  • When you set up Outlook on private devices, you might be asked for your login data over and over again.

    In this case, you need to quit the setup and apply this registration fix (please use "right-click" and "save link").
    This ensures that Outlook will not search for an Exchange 365, but for our servers.

  • Emails that are clearly spam will be rejected immediately. The recipient is sent a message stating why the mail was rejected.

    Emails that only fulfil certain individual criteria will be marked as [SPAM] and delivered to your Exchange mailbox in the "Junk email" folder.

    You should therefore also check this folder regularly, especially if you are expecting external emails but cannot find them in your inbox.

    If you would like to change your mailbox classification threshold, please contact

Service Desk

+49 361 Altonaer Straße | 7.E.13