Transferring and exchanging large files
The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt Computer Centre does not operate its own service for exchanging large amounts of data. Members of FH Erfurt can use the GigaMove web application, provided by RWTH Aachen for the DFN-AAI federation.
GigaMove makes it possible to easily share or request large or very large individual files that would otherwise exceed the permitted size of an email attachment. You can access the web application by using your university account. Upon registration, you will have to provide your email address, first and last name and your university account. Authentification takes place via Shibboleth on the servers of FH Erfurt, so your password will not leave our institution!
- internal + external file exchange possible (only one participant must be a member of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt)
- per file max. 100 GB, per account max. 1 TB
- only ONE file can be uploaded or downloaded per link
- the link can also be password-protected
- it is possible to enter and later edit a comment (creator only)
- the time until deletion (incl. link validity) can be defined by the day (default 7 days, max. 14 days)
- availability can be extended again and again
- files can also be removed prematurely by the account holder
- automatic virus scan
Please note:
The data is exchanged via a server at RWTH Aachen University; access is via a web interface and is therefore only partially secure. Therefore, do not use this service for confidential data or be sure to encrypt the files in advance. -
- go to the website https://gigamove.rwth-aachen.de/
- select "Fachhochschule Erfurt" as your home institution
- register using your university account
- select the function you require
- currently, you can only log out by closing the browser.
Check the help desk at RWTH Aachen to find out how to request, share or manage data. erfahren Sie im Hilfe-Center der RWTH Aachen.
- How long are files stored?
- How safe is the data exchange?
You find all the answers in the FAQs on GigaMove, available on the website of the GigaMove help desk at RWTH Aachen.