Bachelor Gärtnerischer Pflanzenbau:
- BGA1030 Botanik I
- BGA1060 Ökologische Grundlagen
- BGA2030 Botanik II
- BGA2040 Pflanzenernährung und Pflanzenschutz I
- BGA3010 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (auch für BA Forstwirtschaft und Ökosystemmanagement)
- BGA3030 Pflanzenernährung und Pflanzenschutz II
Master Nachhaltiger Pflanzenbau in Forschung und Praxis:
- MGA1030 Klimaveränderung, Klimawirkung, Klimaanpassung
- MGA1050 Statistische und analytische Methoden in der Pflanzenforschung
- MGA2170 Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Pflanzenbau
zur Person
geb. 1967 in Heilbronn , verheiratet, zwei Kinder
Geoökologie, Universität Bayreuth, Dplom (1996)
Universität Bayreuth, Dr. rer. nat. (2001)
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Venia legendi für "Pflanzenernährung/Agrikulturchemie" (2010)
- seit Oktober 2017: Professor an der FH Erfurt
- 2011 - 2017: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, Universität Bonn, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz, Abteilung Pflanzenernährung
- seit 2010: Gesellschafter und Mitarbeiter bei der HGoTECH GmbH, Bonn
- 1997 - 2011: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Universität Bonn, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz, Abteilung Pflanzenernährung
Book chapter
- Eichert T, Fernández V (2012) Uptake and Release of Mineral Elements by Leaves and Other Aerial Plant Parts. In: Marschner’s Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 3rd edition, Academic Press, pp. 71-84.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- [28] Fernández V, Gil-Pelegrín E, Eichert T (2021). Focused Review. Foliar water and solute absorption: an update. The Plant Journal 105: 870-883.
- [27] Gomes MHF, Machado BD, Marques JPR, Otto R, Eichert T, de Carvalho HWP (2020). Foliar Application of Zn Phosphite and Zn EDTA in Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merrill): In Vivo Investigations of Transport, Chemical Speciation, and Leaf Surface Changes. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1007/s42729-020-00338-3.
- [26] Geilert S, Vogl J, Rosner M, Eichert T (2019) [Boron isotope variability related to boron speciation (change during uptake and transport) in bell pepper plants and SI traceable n(11B)/n(10B) ratios for plant reference materials. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33: 1137-1147.
- [25] Fernández V, Bahamonde HA, Peguero-Pina JJ, Gil-Pelegrín E, Sancho-Knapik D, Gil L, Goldbach HE, Eichert T (2017). Physico-chemical properties of plant cuticles and their functional and ecological significance, Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 5293-5306.
- [24] Meurer RA, Kemper S, Knopp S, Eichert T, Jakob F, Goldbach HE, Schwaneberg U, Pich A (2017). Biofunctional Microgel-Based Fertilizers for Controlled Foliar Delivery of Nutrients to Plants. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 56 (26): 7380-7386
- [23] Fellmann S, Eichert T (2017). Acute effects of engineered nanoparticles on the growth and gas exchange of Zea mays L.—What are the underlying causes? Water Air Soil Pollution 228:176. DOI 10.1007/s11270-017-3364-y
- [22] Dupuis J, Paulus S, Mahlein AK, Kuhlmann H, Eichert T (2015). The impact of different leaf surface tissues on active 3D laser triangulation measurements. PFG 2015 / 6, 0437–0447
- [21] Geilert S, Vogl J, Rosner M, Voerkelius S, Eichert T (2015) Boron isotope fractionation in bell pepper. Mass Spectrometry Open Access 1: 101. doi:10.4172/mso.1000101
- [20] Beuters P, Eichert T, Scherer HW (2014) Influence of pre-crop and root architecture on the mobilization of non-exchangeable NH4+. Plant, Soil and Environment 60: 372–378.
- [19] Paulus S, Eichert T, Goldbach HE, Kuhlmann H. (2014) Limits of active laser triangulation as an instrument for high precision plant imaging. Sensors 14: 2489-2509.
- [18] Fallahi E, Eichert T (2013) Principles and practices of foliar nutrients with an emphasis on nitrogen and calcium sprays in apple. HortTechnology 23: 542-547.
- [17] Wimmer MA, Eichert T (2013) Review: Mechanisms for boron deficiency-mediated changes in plant water relations. Plant Science 203: 25-32.
- [16] Pariyar S, Eichert T, Goldbach HE, Hunsche M, Burkhardt J (2013) The exclusion of ambient aerosols changes the water relations of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and bean (Vicia faba) plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 88 (Special Issue): 43-52.
- [15] Antonini S, Arias MA, Eichert T, Clemens J (2012) Greenhouse evaluation and environmental impact assessment of different urine-derived struvite fertilizers as phosphorus sources for plants. Chemosphere 89: 1202-1210.
- [14] Antonini, S, Nguyen PT, Arnold U, Eichert T, Clemens J (2012) Solar thermal evaporation of human urine for nitrogen and phosphorus recovery in Vietnam. Science of the Total Environment 414: 592–599.
- [13] Will S, Eichert T, Fernández V, Müller T, Römheld V (2012) Boron foliar fertilization of soybean and lychee: Effects of side of application and formulation adjuvants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 175: 180-188.
- [12] Antonini S, Paris S, Eichert T, Clemens J (2011). Nitrogen and phosphorus recovery from human urine by struvite precipitation and air stripping in Vietnam. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 39: 1099-1104.
- [11] Will S, Eichert T, Fernández V, Möhring J, Müller T, Römheld V (2011): Absorption and mobility of foliar-applied boron in soybean as affected by plant boron status and application as a polyol complex. Plant and Soil, 344: 283-293.
- [10] Eichert T, Goldbach HE (2010) Transpiration rate affects the mobility of foliar-applied boron in Ricinus communis L. cv. Impala. Plant and Soil, 328: 165-174.
- [9] Eichert T, Peguero-Pina JJ, Gil-Pelegrín E, Heredia A, Fernández V (2010) Effects of iron chlorosis and iron resupply on leaf xylem architecture, water relations, gas exchange and stomatal performance of field-grown peach (Prunus persica). Physiologia Plantarum 138: 48-59.
- [8] Fernández V, Eichert, T (2009) Uptake of hydrophilic solutes through plant leaves: current state of knowledge and perspectives of foliar fertilization. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 28: 36-68.
- [7] Fernández V, Eichert T, Del Río V, López-Casado G, Heredia-Guerrero JA, Abadía A, Heredia A, Abadía J (2008). Leaf structural changes associated with iron deficiency chlorosis in field-grown pear and peach: physiological implications. Plant and Soil 311: 161–172.
- [6] Eichert T, Kurtz A., Steiner U., Goldbach HE (2008) Size exclusion limits and lateral heterogeneity of the stomatal foliar uptake pathway for aqueous solutes and water-suspended nanoparticles. Physiologia Plantarum 134: 151–160.
- [5] Eichert T, Goldbach HE (2008) Equivalent pore radii of hydrophilic foliar uptake routes in stomatous and astomatous leaf surfaces – further evidence for a stomatal pathway. Physiologia Plantarum 132: 491–502.
- [4] Schulz M, Kussmann P, Knop M, Kriegs B, Gresens F, Eichert T, Ulbrich A, Marx F, Fabricius H, Goldbach H, Noga G (2007) Allelopathic monoterpenes interfere with Arabidopsis thaliana cuticular waxes and enhance transpiration. Plant Signaling and Behavior 2: 231-239.
- [3] Solga A, Eichert T, Frahm JP (2006) Historical alteration in the nitrogen concentration and N-15 natural abundance of mosses in Germany: Indication for regionally varying changes in atmospheric nitrogen deposition within the last 140 years. Atmospheric Environment 40: 8044-8055.
- [2] Eichert T, Burkhardt J (2001) Quantification of stomatal uptake of ionic solutes using a new model system. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 771-781.
- [1] Eichert T, Goldbach HE, Burkhardt J (1998) Evidence for the uptake of large anions through stomatal pores. Botanica Acta 111:461-466.