Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester:
Supply Chain Management
Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftsethik
Lean und Six Sigma
Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester:
- Supply Chain Management
- Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftsethik
- Betriebliche Logistik
- Innovation and Change
Akademische Ausbildung
- 2022 Privatdozent und Habilitation an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 2018 Promotion an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Lehrstuhl für Industrielles Management, Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt)
- 2012 – 2015 Studium an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg mit den Abschlüssen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Master of Science), Maschinenbau (Master of Science), International Production Engineering and Management (Bachelor of Science), Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor of Science)
- 2010 – 2012 Studium der Maschineningenieurwissenschaften an der ETH Zürich
- Board Member der European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)
- Verband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (VHB)
- Word Manufacturing Foundation: Women in Manufacturing Working Group
- 2023 Top 100 der „forschungsstärksten Betriebswirte unter 40 Jahre“ im DACH-Raum (Platz 73) im Ranking der Wirtschaftswoche
- 2022 Best Paper Award: European Management Journal (gemeinsam mit Beate Cesinger und Christine Vallaster)
- 2022 Best Reviewer Award: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
- 2021 Best Paper Award: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (gemeinsam mit Johannes W. Veile, Daniel Kiel und Kai-Ingo Voigt)
- 2021 Best Presentation Award: International Conference on Resource Sustainability
- 2018 Nachwuchswissenschaftlerpreis der Erich-Gutenberg-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Köln e.V.
- 2017 Best Student Paper Award: International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) (gemeinsam mit Daniel Kiel, Christian Arnold und Kai-Ingo Voigt)
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=evIgJqQAAAAJ&hl=de
Veröffentlichungen in referierten Fachzeitschriften
- Witschel, D., Müller, J. M., & Voigt, K. I. (2023). What Takes the Wind out of Their Sails? A Micro-Foundational Perspective of Challenges for Building Dynamic Capabilities Towards Digital Business Model Innovation. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, 1-44
- Dopler, S., Müller, J. M., Eick, M., Winter, M., & Zeisler, A. (2023). Reasons for SMEs to engage in multi-tier supply chain management-a social capital perspective. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 16(2), 131-147.
- Schmidt, M. C., Veile, J. W., Müller, J. M., & Voigt, K. I. (2022). Industry 4.0 implementation in the supply chain: a review on the evolution of buyer-supplier relationships. International Journal of Production Research, 1-18.
- Birkel, H., & Müller, J. M. (2022). A social network theory perspective on the potentials of enterprise social media for purchasing and supply management. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-25.
- Veile, J. W., Schmidt, M. C., Müller, J. M., & Voigt, K. I. (2022). The transformation of supply chain collaboration and design through Industry 4.0. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-29.
- Lerman, L., Benitez, G., Müller, J. M., Renato, P & Frank. A. G. (2022). Smart Green Supply Chain Management: A configurational approach to enhance green performance through digital transformation. Supply Chain Management,27(7), 147-176.
- Estensoro, M., Larrea, M., Müller, J. M. & Sisti, E. (2022). A resource-based view on SMEs regarding the transition to more sophisticated stages of Industry 4.0. European Management Journal, 40(5), 778-792
- Müller, J. M., Buliga, O., & Voigt, K.-I. (2022). The Role of Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Strategy in the Design of Industry 4.0 Business Models – A Comparison between SMEs and Large Enterprises. European Management Journal, 39(3), 333-343.
- Birkel, H.S. & Müller, J. M. (2021). Potentials of Industry 4.0 for Supply Chain Management within the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability – A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 289.
- Cesinger, B., Vallaster, C. & Müller, J. M. (2021). The Ebb and Flow of Identity: How Sustainable Entrepreneurs Deal with their Hybridity. European Management Journal, 40(1), 77-89.
- Lassnig, M., Müller, J. M., Klieber, K., Zeisler, A., Schirl, M. (2021). A Digital Readiness Check for the evaluation of supply chain aspects and company size for Industry 4.0. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 33(9), 1-18.
- Müller, J. M., Veile, J. W. & Voigt, K.-I. (2020). Prerequisites and Incentives for Digital Information Sharing in Industry 4.0 – An International Comparison across Data Types. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 148, 106733.
- Schindlbeck, R. J., Müller, J. M., & Störmer, O. (2020). Unified Requirements for Suppliers’ Production Sites of High Voltage Electric and Electronic Components – A Case Study from BMW. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 20(3), 275 – 296.
- Mizanur Rahman, S. M., Perry, N., Müller, J. M., Kim, J., Laratte, B. (2020). End-of-Life in Industry 4.0: Ignored as before? Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 152, 104502.
- Veile, J. W., Schmidt, M.-C., Müller, J. M. & Voigt, K.-I. (2020). Relationship follows technology! How Industry 4.0 reshapes Buyer-Supplier Relationships. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(6), 1245-1266.
- Schmidt, M.-C., Veile, J. W., Müller, J. M. & Voigt, K.-I. (2020). Ecosystems 4.0: redesigning global value chains. International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(4), 1124-1149.
- Müller, J. M., & Birkel, H. S. (2020). Contributions of Industry 4.0 to Lean Management within the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 13(1), 74-89.
- Veile, J. W., Kiel, D., Müller, J. M., Voigt, K.-I. (2019). Lessons learned from Industry 4.0 implementation in the German manufacturing industry. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 31(5), 977-997.
- Müller, J. M. (2019). Business model innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises – Strategies for Industry 4.0 providers and users. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(8), 1127-1142.
- Birkel, H. S., Veile, J. W., Müller, J. M., Hartmann, E. & Voigt, K.I. (2019). Development of a Risk Framework for Industry 4.0 in the Context of Sustainability for Established Manufacturers. Sustainability, 11(2).
- Müller, J. M., & Voigt, K.-I. (2018). Sustainable Industrial Value Creation in SMEs: A Comparison between Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, 5(5), 658-760.
- Müller, J. M., Pommeranz, B., Weisser, J., & Voigt, K.-I. (2018). Digital, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing in industrial buying: Still in need of customer segmentation? Empirical evidence from Poland and Germany. Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 70-83.
- Müller, J. M., Kiel, D., & Voigt, K.I. (2018). What Drives the Implementation of Industry 4.0? The Role of Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Sustainability. Sustainability, 10(1).
- Müller, J. M., Buliga, O., & Voigt, K.-I. (2018). Fortune favors the prepared: How SMEs approach business model innovations in Industry 4.0. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 132, 2-17.
- Kiel, D., Müller, J. M., Arnold, C., & Voigt, K.-I. (2017). Sustainable Industrial Value Creation: Benefits and Challenges of Industry 4.0. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(8), 1740015-1-1740015-34.
Bücher (Herausgeber)
- Voigt, K.-I., Müller, J. M. (2021). Digital Business Models in Industrial Ecosystems. Lessons learned from Industry 4.0 across Europe. Springer Gabler.
- Müller, J.M., Kazantsev, N. (2021). Industry 4.0 in SMEs Across the Globe: Drivers, Barriers, and Opportunities. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis)
- Müller, J. M. & Goppold, M. (2022). Einflüsse auf die didaktische Zieldefinition der eigenen Lehre im Rahmen eines Vergleichs von Universität und Fachhochschule. In: Fahr, U., Zacherl, R., Angenent, H., Eßer, A., Kergel, D. & Kergel-Heidkamp, B. (Hrsg.) Hochschullehre erforschen. Springer Gabler.
- Veile, J. W., Schmidt, M.-C., Müller, J. M. & Voigt, K.-I. (2020). Expected buyer-supplier relationships in the era of Industry 4.0 – An analysis across industry sectors. In: Bode, C., Bogaschewsky, R., Eßig, M., Lasch, R., & Stölzle, W. (Eds.), Supply Management Research, Springer Gabler.
- Traub, J., Müller, J. M., Gantner, P., & Voigt, K.-I. (2020). Managing Digital Disruption of Business Models in Industry 4.0. In: Mention, A., Barlatier, P. (Eds.), Managing Digital Open Innovation. World Scientific Publishing.
- Zniva, R., Weitzl, W. J., Müller, J. M., Schneider. A. (2020). Types of Electronic Word-of-Mouth and their Impact on Consumer Attitudes. In: Martínez-López, F. J., D’Alessandro, S. (Eds.): Advances in Digital Marketing & eCommerce, Springer Gabler.
- Zeisler, A., Bernhard, C., & Müller, J. M. (2019). Process Mining – Prerequisites and Applicability for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. In: Melo, P., Machado, C. (Eds.), Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises, Taylor & Francis.
- Müller, J. M., Veile, J., W. & Voigt, K.-I. (2019). Sharing Information Across Company Borders in Industry 4.0. In: Kersten, W., Blecker, T., & Ringle, C. M. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management, Epubli.
- Lassnig, M., Stabauer, P., Breitfuß, G., & Müller, J. M. (2019). Erfolgreiche Konzepte und Handlungsempfehlungen für digitale Geschäftsmodellinnovationen. In: Meinhardt, S., Pflaum, A. (Hrsg.) Springer Edition HMD – Digitale Geschäftsmodelle, Springer Gabler.
- Müller, J. M., Veile, J., & Voigt, K.-I. (2019). Lieferantenintegration im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 – Aktuelle Anforderungen an Lieferanten, Herausforderungen und mögliche Handlungsoptionen. In: Bode, C., Bogaschewsky, R., Eßig, M., Lasch, R., & Stölzle, W. (Hrsg.), Supply Management Research, Springer Gabler.
- Voigt, K.-I., Arnold, C., Kiel, D., & Müller, J. M. (2019). Geschäftsmodelle im Wandel durch Industrie 4.0 – Wie sich etablierte Industrieunternehmen in verschiedenen Branchen verändern. In: Obermaier, R. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation, Springer Gabler.
- Müller, J. M. (2019). Sustainable Industrial Value Creation – An Analysis of Industry 4.0 with special regard to SMEs. In: Tynhammar, M. (Ed.), The Crest of the Innovation Management Research Wave, Vernon Press.
- Müller, J. M., Veile, J., & Voigt, K.-I. (2018). Supplier integration in Industry 4.0 – Requirements and Strategies. In: Kersten, W., Blecker, T., & Ringle, C. M. (Eds.), Innovations and Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chains, Epubli.
- Voigt, K.-I., Kiel, D., Arnold, C., & Müller, J. M. (2018). Industrie 4.0 aus Perspektive der nachhaltigen industriellen Wertschöpfung. In: Bär, C., Grädler, T., & Mayr, R. (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Recht, Springer Gabler.
- Voigt, K.-I., Müller, J. M., Veile, J. W., & Maier, L. (2018). Logistik 4.0. In: Corsten, H., Gössinger, R., & Spengler, T. S. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Produktions- und Logistikmanagement in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken, De Gruyter.
- Voigt, K.-I., Müller, J. M., Veile, J. W., Becker, W., & Stradtmann, M. (2018). Industrie 4.0 – Risiken für kleine und mittlere Unternehemen. In: Becker, W., Eierle, B., Fliaster, A., Ivens, B., Leischnig, A., Pflaum, A., Sucky, E. (Hrsg.), Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Welt, Springer Gabler.
- Müller, J. M., Maier, L., Veile, J., & Voigt, K.-I. (2017). Cooperation Strategies among SMEs for Implementing Industry 4.0. In: Kersten, W., Blecker, T., & Ringle, C. M. (Eds.), Innovations and Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chains, Epubli.
- Müller, J., Dotzauer, V., & Voigt, K.-I. (2017). Industry 4.0 and its Impact on Reshoring Decisions of German Manufacturing Enterprises. In: Bode, C., Bogaschewsky, R., Eßig, M., Lasch, R., & Stölzle, W. (Eds.), Supply Management Research, Springer Gabler