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  3. Business, Logistics and Transport
  4. Traffic and Transportation
  5. Master Material Flow and Logistics

Master’s in Material Flow and Logistics (M.Eng.)

The aim of this consecutive degree program is to provide a practice-oriented further qualification based on the latest academic research and methodology. Specialist, in-depth training is provided in the most important areas of material flow and logistics.
At the same time, modern forms of training are used to teach the necessary professional and social skills that qualify students for managerial positions, self-employment and/or academic careers at the relevant interfaces.

The Master's program is geared in particular towards graduates with an undergraduate degree who wish to obtain a second professional qualification as part of a modular postgraduate course. 

Program Director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Dominik Stockenberger


Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. (FH) Michael Herfert

Lecturer: Material Flow Analysis and Simulation

+49 361 6700-6986michael.herfert@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | Raum 3.2.37

Online StudyTalk mit Michael Herfert

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In regelmäßigen Abständen plaudert unserer Lehrbeauftragter Michael Herfert aus dem Nähkästchen und beantwortet alle Fragen rund um unseren Studiengang „Materialfluss und Logistik (M. Eng)“

Hilfe bei der Bewerbung, Vorkurse, konkrete Inhalte des Studiums, Studienablauf, Praxisphase, Exkursionen, Jobmöglichkeiten, und vieles mehr – in folgenden Veranstaltungen erfährst Du alles, was Du für Deine Studienentscheidung oder für die Bewerbung noch wissen musst.

nächste Termine (jeweils 16 - 17 Uhr): 

  • 07.05.2024

  • 14.05.2024 

  • 04.06.2024 

  • 02.07.2024

hier geht's zum Online  Meeting 

Der Link ist zu den angegebenen Terminen geöffnet.


  • to continue developing existing theoretical knowledge in the professional field of material flow and logistics,
  • to apply this expertise in a practical setting,
  • to acquire other key skills and interdisciplinary knowledge for the design, organization, implementation and control of internal and external flows of materials, information, goods and merchandise,
  • to improve the student's personal qualifications profile and thus significantly increase their professional and career opportunities.

Areas of expertise and focus

  • Toyota production system & components: value stream mapping, Kanban, 5S etc.
  • Macrologistics: analysis of the flow of goods and information between a large number of sources and sinks in a region, country or around the globe
  • Corporate logistics & interfaces: internal material flow and information analyses
  • simulation of material flows
  • Productivity management systems: MTM-Basic training (MTM-1/MTM-UAS)
  • systematic preparation of internal company process structures

These areas of focus are continuously adjusted in line with changes in the market.


When it comes to planning and conceptual work, it is vital to be able to use the appropriate software. The Department of Traffic and Transport Engineering has equipped numerous specialist labs for this purpose. This means that you can gain hands-on experience of robot-assisted production processes or object recognition in road traffic as well as, for example, the mapping of goods flows in SAP.

There are three compulsory project modules within the degree program that work on real-world problems. You will learn how to solve complex problems in a team and present your results to the customer.

  • Title Master Material Flow and Logistics
  • Qualification/degree Master (Master of Engineering)
  • Duration 4 semesters
  • Mode of study full-time
  • Flexibility Open for occasional students
    Open to affiliate students
    Part-time studies possible
  • Beginning Winter semester
  • Costs -
  • Period for enrolment 15.05. - 15.09.
  • General Requirements Yes Show
  • Special Requirements No