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  2. Advice and Services
  3. Student Advisory Service

Student Advisory Service

We provide both prospective and current students with information and advice on all our study programs and all aspects of your studies at FH Erfurt. You can contact us in person, by telephone or by email and we will happy to help!

What can the Student Advisory Service help you with?

In face-to-face or telephone counselling sessions, we can give you information about possible degree programs, admission requirements, applications and enrolment. We are also here to support you if you are experiencing academic difficulties or have social or personal problems related to the University of Applied Sciences or your degree course.

Advice for...

    • What opportunities are there at FH Erfurt?
    • How do I find the right degree program that matches my skills and interests?
    • What do I need to know about entrance requirements, applications and enrolment?

    Get to know the University of Applied Sciences by taking part in our orientation events and taster days: Get to know us

  • Here are some of the areas we can help current students with:

    • organizing your studies
    • continuing with a Master's after your Bachelor's degree
    • university transfer / changing degree program
    • social or personal problems and difficulties during your studies
    • studying part-time
    • dropping out of university and other options

    It goes without saying that we treat all of your enquiries with the utmost confidentiality.

  • As parents, you naturally want to support your child and probably also have lots of questions.

    • How much does going to university cost?
    • How long will it take? How long will my child need financial support?
    • What qualifications are available and what can you do with them later?
    • Is there any support in place for students - someone for them to turn to if they have problems?
    • What are the job prospects and how high are the rents in Erfurt?

    We would be happy to arrange a personal consultation with you.

  • After you have graduated, we would also like to keep you up to date on:

    • recent developments at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    • alumni reunions
    • professional development or conferences

    For more information, click here.

Opening Hours

Tuesdays and Thursdays
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Rooms 6.E.59 and 6.E.60

Jana Kummer

Katrin Fischer

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