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    Prof. Dr. Christine Rehklau

    Applied Social Sciences | Early Childhood Education | Social Work

    Professor of Diversity and Intercultural Social Work

    Commissioner for International Affairs

    During the lecture period of Winter Semester 2023/2024 dienstags 13:00-14:00 Uhr Lecture-free period By arrangement

    Relevance: 100% Type: Contact

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments

    Applied Social Sciences

    Find out more about the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences


    Relevance: 43% Type: Page


    Thüringer Institut für Kindheitspädagogik (ThInKPäd) Das Thüringer Institut für Kindheitspädagogik (ThInKPäd) zielt darauf ab, kindheitspädagogische Professionalität in Thüringen zu fördern und an ihrer Weiterentwicklung mitzuwirken. Dabei verfolgen wir einen integrierten, dialogischen Ansatz der Qu


    Relevance: 38% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Applied Social Sciences

    Faculty Board

    Faculty Board The faculty board advises and makes decisions about matters of fundamental importance for the faculty. This includes, for example, the nomination of professors, the conception, development and implementation of new degree programs, academic regulations and procedures, establishing advi


    Relevance: 29% Type: Page