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Welcome to the International Office of the Department of Urban and Spatial Planning. We provide current students and prospective students from abroad with information about studying in the Department of Urban and Spatial Planning.
In addition, both current and prospective students from Germany will find information and links on how to organize and plan a stay abroad as part of their the degree in Urban and Spatial Planning at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

International Activities
This website features selected testimonials from students of Urban and Spatial Planning, and additional information about their semesters or work placements abroad, participation in international workshops, summer and winter schools, and various field trips to other countries.
International Students
Important information for international students who are interested in spending a semester with us as a visiting student or applying for full-time studies in the degree program Urban and Spatial Planning at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.
International Cooperation
The Department of Urban and Spatial Planning maintains exchanges with international universities through existing collaborations and informal contacts.
FAQs / Contact
Students who are thinking about gaining experience abroad during their studies will find helpful tips on frequently asked questions so that they can successfully prepare for their stay abroad. They will also see who to contact if they need any more information.