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  5. Master Sustainable Building and Energy Systems

Master's in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems

The three-semester Master's program in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems leads to Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree after three semesters of study.

The language of instruction is German.

Program Director

Professor Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Lenz

Head of the BA Industrial Engineering in Energy Technology; MA Building and Energy Technology

+49 361 6700-5593konstantin.lenz@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 4.2.11

Master's in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems

After three semesters of study, the Master's program in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems leads to the degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.). The language of instruction is German.

Program objectives

The Master's program in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems builds consecutively on the 7-semester Bachelor's in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems and leads to a second professional qualification in Building Services Energy Engineering. This degree also entitles the holder to pursue doctoral studies.

Graduates of relevant fields of study with a 6-semester Bachelor's degree (180 credits) have the opportunity to acquire the remaining 30 credits in our Bachelor's degree program in the winter semester prior to the Master's program.


According to their interests, the students can choose to specialize in the following fields:

Heating, air-conditioning and sanitary engineering
Energy industry