University Council
The University Council of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt makes recommendations on establishing the university's profile, setting priorities in research and teaching and further developing the range of courses on offer.
The University Council issues statements on a variety of matters, including
- the Bylaws and its amendments
- before target and achievement agreements are concluded between the University and the federal state
- on funding priorities and internal allocation of resources
The committee is responsible for approving the annual financial report and the business plan. It also forms part of the Nominating Committee for the election/re-election of the President and Executive Vice-President.
Further information can be found in § 34 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act and in § 15 of the Bylaws of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.
The University Council consists eight members with voting rights, of whom at least should be women:
- five members with an academic, artistic, cultural, economic, political or sociological background who are familiar with the higher education system
- two members of the university belonging to different interest groups
- one representative from the ministry
They are elected by the Senate for a term of four years.
Members of the University Council for the term of office from 01.10.2023 until 30.09.2027
External members
Prof Dr Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, Chair
President, Fachhochschule PotsdamMr Frank Belkner, Deputy Chair
Managing Director, ERFURT Bildungszentrum GmbHMr Frank Emrich
Chairman/Association Director, Verband Thüringer Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.Dr Cornelia Haase-Lerch
CEO, IHK Erfurt (Erfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry)Ms Irena Michel
Managing Director, Central Thuringian Employment AgencyMembers from the University
Prof Fiona Schönfeld
Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and ForestryMr Tino Garbe
Head of Digitalization and Process ManagementRepresentative of the Ministry
Mr Kai Ziesenis
Head of the Department for Higher Education Institutions,
Thuringian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Science and Digital SocietyThe following have the right to attend University Council meetings, make proposals and express their views:
- members of the University Executive Board (in an advisory capacity),
- the Chair of the Works Council or their deputy,
- the Equal Opportunities Officer or their deputy,
- the Diversity Officer or their deputy,
- a representative from the Student Council.