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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Committees


    The Senate is the most senior self-governing body of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


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    Bylaws of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (Fachhochschule Erfurt) This document is an uncertified translation provided for information purposes only. It is not legally binding. Reader’s Version Bylaws of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (Fachhochschule Erfurt) dated 13 March 2019,

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Committees

    Ethics Committee

    Ethics Committee Pursuant to Section 2 of the Bylaws , the Senate appoints an Ethics Committee to oversee the University's contribution to a peaceful and sustainable society. As part of this process, the Ethics Committee pays particular attention to appraising the possible use of research findings f


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    Jahresbericht 2022

    Jahresbericht Stand: 09.03.2023 Jahresbericht 2022 des Hochschulrats der FH Erfurt Seite 2 1 Bericht Der amtierende Hochschulrat (HSR) der Fachhochschule Erfurt (FHE) wurde auf Grund des neuen Thüringer Hochschulgesetzes (ThürHG) zum 01.10.2019 neu besetzt. Seine Mitglieder sind mit einer Amtszeit v

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


    The decisions made by the committees determine the strategic direction of our university. Here is an overview of all our committees.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments

    Civil Engineering and Conservation & Restoration

    Find out more about the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Conservation & Restoration


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

    University Executive Board of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

    On the following pages you will find all the information you need on the University Executive Board and their tasks.


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    Präsident Kanzler Grundlagenzentrum (GLZ)Service Forschung und Transfer (SFT) Geschäftsführerin Präsidium Sekretariat Präsidialamt HochschulversammlungHochschulrat Senat Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten (ZSA) Beauftragte für Diversität Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Inklusionsbea

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Committees

    University Assembly

    The University Assembly consists of members of the Senate and external members of the University Council.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Committees

    University Council

    Find out more about the responsibilities and membership of the University Council.


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