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    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Kaden

    Civil Engineering and Conservation/Restoration | Civil Engineering | Landscape Architecture

    Professor of Surveying and Geoinformatics

    Associate Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Conservation/Restoration; 1st Deputy of the Dean

    Press and Media Officer
    Academic Advisor

    Head of the Geodetic Laboratory and Geodesign Centre

    +49 361 6700-9455 robert.kaden@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 99085 Erfurt | Raum 5.2.30

    Relevance: 100% Type: Contact

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research
    3. Forschungsservice
    4. Forschungsbericht
    5. Faculties

    Civil Engineering and Conservation/Restoration

    Research in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Conservation/Restoration


    Relevance: 33% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Civil Engineering and Conservation & Restoration

    Civil Engineering

    Department of Civil Engineering Since the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt was founded in October 1991, training civil engineers has been a cornerstone of our institution. Drawing on a multitude of contacts in the industry, we have established and continued to maintain a close link between teac


    Relevance: 28% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry

    Landscape Architecture

    Read about the Department of Landscape Architecture


    Relevance: 27% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Civil Engineering and Conservation & Restoration
    4. Civil Engineering

    Bachelor Civil Engineering

    Bachelor's in Civil Engineering The 7-semester undergraduate Bachelor’s program in Civil Engineering leads to a first professional qualification. When they have successfully completed their studies, graduates will have acquired extensive and comprehensive knowledge of their profession. This includes


    Relevance: 25% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry

    Faculty Members

    Members of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry Professors Academic Staff Support Staff Gardeners Prof. Gert Bischoff Specialist Field: Landscaping Placement Officer for the Department of Landscape Architecture +49 361 6700-2228 bischoff@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Straße 77 |


    Relevance: 21% Type: Page

    Modulübersicht (PO2020 1. Änderung)

    Kompetenzfelder Modulübersicht des Bachelorstudiengangs Landschaftsarchitektur an der FH Erfurt – SB2020_1 – Stand 04/2022 Bachelor Landschaftsarchitektur – SB2020_1 Die jeweils zu erbringenden Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen sind den dazugehörigen studiengangspezifischen Bestimmungen (SB) des BA-St

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    Relevance: 20% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Modulübersicht (PO2020)

    Kompetenzfelder Modulübersicht des Bachelorstudiengangs Landschaftsarchitektur an der FH Erfurt – SB2020 – Stand 04/2021 Bachelor Landschaftsarchitektur – SB2020 Die jeweils zu erbringenden Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen sind den dazugehörigen studiengangspezifischen Bestimmungen (SB) des BA-Studie

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    Relevance: 20% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Modulkatalog (PO2020 1. Änderung)

    MODULKATALOG DES BACHELORSTUDIENGANGS LANDSCHAFTSARCHITEKTUR (BLA) an der Fachhochschule Erfurt/University of Applied Sciences Studieren auf dem „Grünen Campus“ in der attraktiven Landes- hauptstadt Erfurt Stand 04/2022 Modulkatalog des BA-Studiengangs Landschaftsarchitektur an der FH Erfurt – SB202

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    Relevance: 9% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Modulkatalog (PO2020)

    MODULKATALOG DES BACHELORSTUDIENGANGS LANDSCHAFTSARCHITEKTUR (BLA) an der Fachhochschule Erfurt/University of Applied Sciences Studieren auf dem „Grünen Campus“ in der attraktiven Landes- hauptstadt Erfurt Stand 04/2021 Modulkatalog des BA-Studiengangs Landschaftsarchitektur an der FH Erfurt – SB 20

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    Relevance: 9% Type: Document File extension: PDF