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    Gunnar Lahr

    Language Centre

    Lecturer for English and Spanish

    Tuesdays, 2 - 3 p.m.

    +49 361 6700-7838 gunnar.lahr@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | 2.2.09

    Relevance: 100% Type: Contact

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Language Centre
    4. Our Language Courses


    Click here to find out more about the Spanish courses


    Relevance: 39% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities

    Language Centre

    Active and lively language learning for your studies, everyday life and career!


    Relevance: 30% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Building Services Engineering
    5. Foerderverein


    List of Member Companies Last amended 01-2025 airleben GmbH , 99867 Gotha Bauprojekt K. Schmidt GmbH , 06526 Sangerhausen BELIMO Stellantriebe Vertriebs GmbH , 70599 Stuttgart Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, Buderus Deutschland , 35576 Wetzlar Braun & Höfler GmbH , 99189 Elxleben BURMESTER & PARTNER Ingen


    Relevance: 25% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities

    Grundlagenzentrum - Center of fundamental studies

    Fundamental skills to ensure success in your studies and a head start in your career.


    Relevance: 24% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Language Centre

    International Week

    International Week COUNTRIES | LANGUAGES | CULTURES | 16 - 20 January 2023 The Language Centre invites you to join us for our International Week. All the events are taking place on the main campus in room 3.E.11 in the week of 16th until 20th January 2023 . The events are open to anyone who's intere


    Relevance: 20% Type: Page


    STUDIENINFORMATION 2022 Fachrichtung Gebäude- und Energietechnik Wir sind uns unserer Verantwortung bewusst #bluegoesgreen Unser Durchschnittsalter liegt bei nur 35 Jahren. Seit 1991 haben wir knapp 300 Azubi‘s und Studenten ausgebildet. Eine Zahl auf die wir stolz sind! Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

    Referenced at:


    Relevance: 2% Type: Document File extension: PDF