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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


    More than a student ID card...


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    Verkündungsblatt University of Applied Sciences Erfurt Gazette / No. 75 This document is an uncertified translation and is provided for information purposes only. It is not legally binding. No. 75 Summer Sixteenth Year, 30.09.2019 Page 374 of 462 Enrolment Regulations of the University of Applied Sc

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    0050AA44B7D9240130133447 House Rules Table of Contents § 1 Scope .................................................................................................................................... 2 § 2 Domiciliary rights .............................................................................

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry
    4. Landscape Architecture

    Master Landscape Architecture

    Master’s in Landscape Architecture Specialized and interdisciplinary The Master's degree program enables students to continue their studies in both interdisciplinary and specialized fields. The following specializations are offered: Nature Conservation, Environmental Planning and Cultural Landscape


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    1 On December 6, 2023, the University Executive Board adopted the Directive for the Prevention of and Protection against Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination and Violence (German abbreviation: SBDG- Schutz-RL) at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (FHE). The co-determination of the Works Cou

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    1. ISP


    HeatResilientCity Heat-resilient urban and neighbourhood development in large cities - Resident-oriented knowledge generation and implementation in Dresden and Erfurt - Governance structures, stakeholder perspectives and strategies in heat-stressed neighbourhoods Climate adaptation measures at the c


    Relevance: 45% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Language Centre

    Übersetzung und Glossar

    In-House Translation As a result of increasing internationalization, comprehensive English-language communication has become more and more important at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. A uniform English that is easily recognizable can be particularly helpful for non-native speakers. Furthe


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    1. ISP


    HIA_City Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in urban development Health impact assessment as a model for integrating health aspects into urban planning HIA (health impact assesssment) is defined by the World Health Organization as "a combination of procedures, methods and tools for assessing the impact


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities

    Grundlagenzentrum - Center of fundamental studies

    Fundamental skills to ensure success in your studies and a head start in your career.


    Relevance: 41% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Profile

    Chronik der Fachhochschule Erfurt

    A university with a strong tradition and a promising future...


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