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Science Camp 2024 - Green2Smart

Review of the Spring Science Camp 2024

Working under the title "Green2Smart", seven teams designed and constructed seven mobile walls for interior greening and planted them with selected plants during Science Camp 2024, which took place from 11 to 20 March 2024 on the premises of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. The walls were equipped with a self-sufficient plant supply system (nutrients, water, lighting, ventilation) and corresponding sensors for surveillance and optimal care. This enables (comparative) readings to be taken on the walls in order to determine the basic requirements of the plants and how best to supply them, as well as to determine the energy, water and electricity consumption of the individual walls. Indoor readings (without greenery and with greenery) provide information on changes in sound (room sound, useful sound, background noise), indoor climate and air quality after a certain period of time.The psychological effects on the individual in terms of their well-being and productivity may also be investigated.

At the end of the camp, the seven mobile walls were distributed amongst the participating universities, where they will continue to be maintained in the interests of sustainability. The readings will be continued at each new location and comparative analyses will be carried out. The recorded data offers both potential and research ideas for follow-up projects and theses.

The current data for each wall can be viewed on this website: https://sc2024.ve-plant.com/

At the end of the ScienceCamp, each wall was showcased by the corresponding team, accompanied by a poster presentation.

Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Poster 4

Poster 5


Pro Thuringian Engineering Life Cycle (ProTELC)

The project ProTELC (Pro Thuringian Engineering Life Cycle) run by the Thuringian Engineering Alliance is a joint project involving seven Thuringian universities committed to supporting engineering students throughout their entire student cycle and providing them with inter-university support services. The aim of the initiatives is to make sure that students do not change courses or drop out of their engineering degree programs as often, that they achieve better results and have good employment prospects on the Thuringian labour market.

Each of the universities involved in the project takes on specific responsibilities by implementing dedicated support services; for example, Fachhochschule Erfurt sets up, coordinates and supervises refresher courses and the ‘MINToring’ scheme - the mentoring initiative for STEM students in Thuringia.

Project duration: until December 2025


[Translate to Englisch:] Bachelor Science Camp - Green2Smart


Dipl.-Ing. Janine Liebal

Project Collaborator, ProTELC - ALLIANZ THÜR ING


Dr. Sven Varga

Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics

MINToring - the mentoring program for STEM students in Thuringia

"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails." Aristotle

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is a flexible instrument of support for young talent that can cater to a wide range of different needs. It bridges the gap between professional excellence and individual empowerment.In traditional mentoring, someone with experience (the mentor) shares their professional knowledge, experience, judgement, networking skills and contacts with someone with less experience (the mentee).

The aim of the mentoring scheme is to promote and strengthen the personal development and skills of Thuringian STEM students in the following areas:

  • personal development (e.g. improving communication skills, time and self-management strategies)
  • professional development (e.g. identifying career opportunities, preparing for job applications and interviews)
  • improving academic performance (e.g. developing individual learning strategies)
  • general support in overcoming and coping with challenges (e.g. stress management, self-efficacy and resilience)
  • establishing networks (e.g. contacts and career prospects in the STEM sector)

Find out more and sign up!