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Heating and Combustion Technology Lab
In this laboratory, various methods and systems of heat generation are tested and calculated. This is done by means of practical experiments and hands-on activities. Some of the topics covered are:
- Pipe control valves and adjustable pumps - The students study the influence of a line regulating valve, differential pressure regulator and flow regulator on pressures and volume flow at different loads of a two-pipe heating system and record the performance curves of controllable pumps.
- Hydraulic balancing of heating systems - Using a test model to simulate a two-pipe heating system with five lines, students learn the theoretical principles of hydraulic balancing and the procedure for adjusting a system on site for new and old installations.
- Properties of liquid fuels - The students learn about the essential properties of heating oil by determining its calorific value, calculating its heat value, studying its low-temperature performance (CFPP method) and measuring the density of heating oil at different temperatures.
- Exhaust emissions of a heat generator with an oil-fired forced draught burner - The students measure exhaust emissions during start-up, in steady-state operation and after a heat generator has been switched off. Furthermore, the exhaust volume flow, air ratio, exhaust losses and pollutant emissions are measured or calculated for different settings of the air damper.
- Determining standard efficiency - For a condensing boiler, part-load efficiency values are determined by measuring five specified relative boiler outputs and then using these to calculate the standard efficiency of the appliance.