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Master’s in Renewable Energy Management

Are you interested in playing an active part in the energy transition and believe that there is more to it than just technology?

On the one hand, the rapid technological development of renewable energies is leading to more and more specialization in the various sub-sectors. On the other hand, if these developments are to be implemented, it is essential that they are accepted by society. It is therefore almost impossible to put any project into practice today or in the future without mediation, consultation and building trust with the people affected. This is one of the unique features of the degree program “Renewable Energy Management” at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

From Winter Semester 24/25, the Master's in Renewable Energy Management will be run with a new, reaccredited curriculum by Prof. Dr. Lenz and the Faculty of Building Services Engineering and Computer Science. You will find more information on the new curriculum here: Master’s in Renewable Energy Management

Program Director

Prof. Inga Hahn

-inga.hahn@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Straße | 2.1.10

You will acquire the following interdisciplinary skills in the field of renewable energies:

  • the technical operation of renewable energy systems,
  • the necessary management and communication skills to implement these systems,
  • the legal competence to recognize the limitations of planning,
  • sound skills in the creation and critical evaluation of potential analyses of primary energy resources.

You will also gain insights into the strategic planning involved in incorporating renewable energies into the environment.

This program is aimed at Bachelor’s graduates from the following disciplines:

  • Industrial Engineering, Business Administration
  • Energy Industry
  • Building Services Engineering and Energy Technology
  • Environmental/Resource Management
  • Agriculture, Forestry
  • Urban and Spatial Planning, Landscape Architecture
  • Civil Engineering, Architecture
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Title Master Renewable Energy Management
  • Qualification/degree Master (Master of Science)
  • Duration 4 semesters
  • Mode of study full-time
  • Flexibility Open for occasional students
    Part-time studies possible
    Open to affiliate students
  • Beginning Winter semester
  • Costs -
  • Period for enrolment 15.05. - 15.09.
  • General Requirements Yes Show
  • Special Requirements No
  • International application Show

Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. Justus Eberl

Specialist Field: Forest Policy and Environmental Law

+49 361 6700-2540justus.eberl@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Strasse 77 | 1.1.16

Prof. Inga Hahn

Specialist Field: Open Space Planning

Program Director, Master's in Renewable Energy Management

-inga.hahn@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Straße | 2.1.10

Prof. Dr. Dirk Landgraf

Specialist Field: Renewable Resources and Timber Market Economics


Dr. Frederik Langner

Specialist Field: Horticulture Technology

Prof. Dr. Björn Machalett

Specialist Field: Abiotic Resource Conservation


Prof. Dr. Ilke Marschall

Specialist Field: Landscape Planning


Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wydra

Specialist Field: Plant Production and Climate Change


Professor Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Lenz

Professor of Energy Economics

+49 361 6700-5593konstantin.lenz@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 4.2.11

Prof. Dr. Steffen Schwarz

Professor Business Administration, specializing in Start-Ups and SME Management

+49 361 6700-6169schwarz@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | 6.2.16

Professor Dr.-Ing. Berthold Stanzel

Professor of Energy and Building Management

Freelance Lecturers

Birk, Tobias   -   Building and Planning Law

Haun, Lukas   -   Building and Planning Law

Völler, Dr.-Ing. Cindy   -   Primary Energies, Resources, Sustainability

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Academic Calendar

The most important dates for the semester, lectures, exams and public holidays

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