Bachelor’s in Building Services Engineering
After seven semesters, the Bachelor's degree program in Building Services Engineering leads to a first professional qualification - the Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.). The language of instruction is German.
Students on the Bachelor's in Building Services Engineering benefit from a practice-oriented yet academic degree program. One of the issues at stake is how to analyse and plan the use of energy with the aim of managing this scarce resource as effectively as possible.
A variety of topics is addressed during the degree program. For example, the use of renewable energies in buildings is an important issue which is integrated in all modules. This means that attention is already paid to ensuring low costs in the subsequent operation of the building when it is being designed. This degree course can also be taken as a cooperative study program (the so-called Erfurt Model)
Here you can find a list of companies that offer study-related jobs.
Current students' reviews of this degree program (Studycheck)
Watch three of our students talking about the degree program!
- Title Bachelor Sustainable Building and Energy Systems
- Qualification/degree Bachelor (Bachelor of Engineering)
- Duration 7 semesters
- Mode of study full-time
Part-time studies possible
Open to affiliate students
Open for occasional students
Winter semester
- Costs -
- Period for enrolment 15.05. - 15.09.
- General Requirements Yes Show
- Special Requirements No
- International application Show
Modules in the Bachelor’s in Building Services Engineering
Entry requirements
The following qualifications, among others, entitle students to start this degree program:
- general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
- subject-specific higher education entrance qualification
- entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
You can find all the information on how to apply on our university's main application pages.
Particularly qualified professionals can study for a degree without a higher education entrance qualification if they pass an entrance examination or take a trial course.
When does the degree program start?
The degree program begins every winter semester.
Application period: 15.05.-15.09. of the respective year
You can apply online on the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt website via the applications portal.
You can also obtain information from the central Student Advisory Service at FH Erfurt.
Careers and Job Prospects
Potential employers include:
- manufacturers of equipment
- planning and consulting offices
- building authorities
- companies involved in industrial and commercial installation
- departments and divisions for building and facility management in industry and the public sector
- industrial service providers for building and facility
- supply and disposal companies
Areas of work:
- building operations - planning, management and surveillance of the execution of construction work with particular emphasis on economic efficiency
- construction management - advising developers and planners on technical and economic aspects
- project management - organization, coordination and surveillance of the entire construction process with regard to heating, air-conditioning and sanitary engineering
- maintenance and repair - developing diagnoses in preparation for maintenance, repair and upgrading measures, including design, planning and construction solutions
- structural engineering - drafting, design, dimensioning and structural implementation of heating, air-conditioning and sanitary engineering systems
- developing components for heating, air-conditioning and sanitary engineering systems
- organizing the operation of buildings and properties in industry and the public sector
- optimizing operational and event costs with customer benefit in mind
- advising developers, planners and operators on the technical and economic aspects of cost reduction in the construction and operation of buildings and real estate.
What are they doing now?
Here, you can find out what graduates of the degree program Building Services Engineering are up to now.
Stefan Karl
Graduated 2019
Marco Schmidt
Graduated 2011