Bachelor’s in Building Services Engineering

After seven semesters, the Bachelor's degree program in Building Services Engineering leads to a first professional qualification - the Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.). The language of instruction is German.

Students on the Bachelor's in Building Services Engineering benefit from a practice-oriented yet academic degree program. One of the issues at stake is how to analyse and plan the use of energy with the aim of managing this scarce resource as effectively as possible.

A variety of topics is addressed during the degree program. For example, the use of renewable energies in buildings is an important issue which is integrated in all modules. This means that attention is already paid to ensuring low costs in the subsequent operation of the building when it is being designed.  This degree course can also be taken as a cooperative study program (the so-called Erfurt Model)

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  • Title Bachelor Sustainable Building and Energy Systems
  • Qualification/degree Bachelor (Bachelor of Engineering)
  • Duration 7 semesters
  • Mode of study full-time
  • Flexibility Part-time studies possible
    Open to affiliate students
    Open for occasional students
  • Beginning Winter semester
  • Costs -
  • Period for enrolment 15.05. - 15.09.
  • General Requirements Yes Show
  • Special Requirements No
  • International application Show