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  2. Degree Courses and Professional Development
  3. Studying Part-Time

Studying part-time

Students who, for good cause, cannot devote their full working capacity to their studies may apply to study part-time by submitting a written application to the Student Admissions Office.

Applying to study part-time

Students who, for good cause, cannot devote themselves fully to their studies may submit a written application to the Student Admissions Office for permission to study part-time.

    • employment of at least 19 hours per week on average
    • at least one child under 14 years of age living in the same household as the student
    • caring for a close relative who requires at least 19 hours of regular assistance per week
    • health reasons, e.g. severe chronic illness or disability
  • When applying to the Student Admissions Office to study part-time, please enclose one of the following supporting documents:

    • Employment: copy of your employment contract with details of the agreed weekly working hours
    • Care of a child: copy of the child's birth certificate and a current registration certificate from the Residents' Registration Office confirming where the student and the child live
    • Care of a relative: copy of a current certificate from the health insurance company, the attending physician or other appropriate bodies

    Please also indicate the extent to which you wish to reduce your study load. This may not drop below 50 % of full-time studies.

  • Please use ecampus to submit your application to study part-time in the following semester. Applications must be admitted within the deadline for re-enrolment:

    • 01.02. - 28.02. for the following summer semester
    • 01.08. - 31.08. for the following winter semester

    If you are interested in starting a degree course on a part-time basis, please submit your application to study part-time at the latest with your application for enrolment.

  • The individual academic and examination regulations specify whether part-time study is possible in a specific degree program. We recommend that you work out a special study plan in consultation with the academic advisor of your chosen field of study.

    You are not entitled to BAföG, but you may be able to receive unemployment benefit II (ALG II). Please check with the relevant authorities.

  • The following data is collected from part-time students by the University of Applied Sciences:

    • in which semester the student is studying part-time
    • total number of semesters of part-time study
    • dates of part-time study
    • reason for studying part-time

Student Admissions Office

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