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Thanks to transformation contracts with Springer Nature, Wiley, Elsevier,  Taylor and Francis and ACM Open, our library is able to support members of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt with open access publishing. The Digital Library of Thuringia (DBT) is a repository that enables free electronic publication of project reports, studies, research results and conference proceedings, independently of publishing houses. It is also possible to publish theses in the DBT.

Open Access Publishing

The Berlin Declaration defines "open access" as unrestricted and free access to academic information, including its use and dissemination, with proper acknowledgement of authorship. Unlike publications following the traditional subscription or licensing model, OA publications are immediately freely available online without financial or technical barriers.

The university library can assist you with all questions relating to electronic publishing and open access. We provide advice and support on the topics of OA publication channels, OA publication venues and OA publication fees.

You will find a selection of further links and information on open access here.

It is possible to publish free of charge on the institutional repository and publication server Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (DBT/Digital Library Thuringia). This refers to both first and second publications. The university library handles these entries.

Further information on the Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen can be found here.

Specific agreements with publishers

Using central publication funds, the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt helps to fund OA publications through agreements with specific publishers. These services can be used by members of the Fachhochschule Erfurt who are corresponding authors. E-books are excluded from this service.

Spearheaded by the German Rectors' Conference, the DEAL has concluded Germany-wide licensing agreements with the major academic publishers Springer Nature and Wiley that include OA publishing rights in addition to access to the content of academic journals.

Corresponding authors of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt are entitled to publish open access in most journals of these two publishing houses. When it comes to publication fees, a distinction must be made between hybrid journals and gold open access journals.

  • Researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt can publish their articles as corresponding authors in open access with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

    Here you can find the list of ACM titles in which articles can be published open access..

  • There are no additional fees for authors in hybrid journals. The publication fees are already included in the costs for the contract with Elsevier, which is financed by the university library on behalf of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

    Gold Open Access journals charge additional publication fees (partly discounted).

    The fees for Gold Open Access publications are not funded centrally but can be paid by the university library on request. Please contact us before submitting your publication.

    The journals covered by this agreement can be accessed here.

  • The KOALA project (German acronym for "Building Consortial Open Access Solutions", led by TIB Hanover), establishes syndicated solutions for funding open access publications.

    The publication fees are already included in the KOALA consortium agreement, which is centrally paid for by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt from university library funds.

    The following journals are included:

    • sub\urban
    • Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung
    • Open Gender Journal
    • GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • In hybrid journals there are no additional fees for authors ("open choice"). The publication fees are already included in the contract fee with Springer, which is paid for by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt through the university library.

    In gold open access journals ("fully open access"), additional publication fees are charged (partly discounted).

    The fees for gold open access publications are not centrally funded, but they can be covered by the university library upon request. In this case, please contact us before submitting your publication.

    The journals covered by this agreement can be found here.

  • There are no additional fees for authors in hybrid journals ("Open Select Journals"). The publication fees are already included in the costs of the contract, which the university library finances for the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

    Hybrid publications can be found here.

    Gold Open Access journals ("Open Journals") charge additional, discounted publication fees. The fees for Gold Open Access publications are not included in the contract, but can be covered by the university library upon request. Please contact us before submitting your publication.

    You can find the gold open access journals here.

  • In hybrid journals, no additional fees are charged to authors ("hybrid open access"). The publication fees are already included in the contract fee with Wiley, which is paid for by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt through the university library.

    In gold open access journals ("fully open access"), additional publication fees are charged (partly discounted).

    The fees for gold open access publications are not centrally funded, but they can be covered by the university library upon request. In this case, please contact us before submitting your publication.

    The journals covered by this agreement can be found here.

Applying for individual funding

Please note that there are no more funds available for individual grants for 2024.

Eligibility for funding

  • At the time of application, the applicant must be a member of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
  • As the applicant, you are responsible for the publication as the "corresponding author"
  • Funded publications should be published under an open content licence, e.g. a Creative Commons licence
  • The publication must have undergone peer review
  • Publication should take place in the year of application
  • The invoice
    • should be addressed as follows: Name / Altonaer Straße 25 / 99085 Erfurt
    • is proven to have been paid by the author personally

Funding guidelines

  • Publications in pure or hybrid OA journals or OA books (Gold Open Access) are eligible for funding
  • Open access articles/books are funded up to €700 including VAT. Currently, we assume that this funding is subject to tax
  • Provided that the contractual conditions are met, the publication can additionally be republished and archived on the institutional repository of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (DBT)

The following are not eligible for funding

  • Publications without academic content or publications in so-called "mirror journals" or "predatory journals"
  • Incidental costs such as colour charges, page charges, submission fees, licence fees, archive fees and other administration costs
  • Contributions towards closed-access publications or printing costs

Submitting an application

In order to submit an application for funding of your open access publication, please send this application form and your signed Declaration on the Application for Funding of an Open Access Publication to erwerbung@fh-erfurt.de.

The University Executive Board and the university library regularly review the applications received. Applicants are notified about their decision as soon as possible.

The following workflow describes the sequence of individual steps involved in applying for funding for OA publications.