Sophos Endpoint Protection

The SAGS (Standing Working Group on Software at the State Ministry of Education, Science and Culture) has a contract for the use of anti-virus and malware protection software from the company Sophos.

Your work devices are protected by the product "Sophos Intercept X Advanced". The installation of the necessary software will be or has already been carried out by your departmental administrator.

The contract entitles all members of the Thuringian universities to use the software on all of their privately owned devices. The home-use license may be installed on up to 10 private devices per user at the same time.

The product "Sophos Home Premium" available for private devices.
Please continue reading for a brief description of how to apply for this home-use license.

If you have any questions, please contact your departmental administrator.

Information on home-use licences

  • Open your browser and go to:

    Enter your university email address and click on "senden" ("send").

    You will receive an email from Sophos Home.

    Click on "Konto erstellen" ("set up account") in the email. A browser window will open. Fill in all the details requested. For "email address", please use your university email. You can create your own password.

    At this point, Sophos will draw your attention to the following documents relating to data protection:

    Once your have accepted these conditions and agreed to the transfer of your data to Sophos, click on "Konto erstellen" ("set up account").

    After this, you will be sent a second email to confirm the validity of your email address.
    Click on "E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen" ("confirm email").
    You will then be redirected to the Sophos Home Premium login page.

    Enter your university email address and the password you created for your Sophos account.
    Click on "Anmelden" ("log in").
    Now you will see the homepage of Sophos Home Premium Accounts. Here you can enter your private devices for malware protection, download the application and much more.

  • If you already have a Sophos Home Premium Account, go to:

    and click on "Anmelden" (log in).

  • If you already have another Sophos account, e.g. a business account, this is not authorized for the use of Sophos Home Premium.

    Please create a separate account for this purpose as described above.
    You can do this with the same name and email address.
    You will then have 2 Sophos Accounts – one for each purpose.

Computer Centre Infos

The Computer Centre is responsible for access and availability of central services. For questions on use, please contact your departmental admin.

computer centre