Freshmen Master SEI 2024
Dear students in the first semester of the Master's degree course,
We are delighted that you have enrolled on the consecutive Master's degree course in Civil Engineering at Erfurt UAS.
We would like to welcome you, the students of the Civil Engineering and Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure (SEI) degree programs, on 08.04.2024 to start your new studies and the first semester. The following short program is planned:
Master's program in Civil Engineering (German)
- 09:00 to 10:00, Room 5.E.11, Welcome by the Presidential Board of the FHE and the Dean's Office BKR to the Master's degree programs in Civil Engineering and SEI
- 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., Room 5.E01, Introduction to the Master's degree program in Civil Engineering including the fields of study
Master's program SEI (English)
on 08.09.2024
- 09:00 to 10:00, Room 5.E.11, Welcome by the Presidential Board of the FHE and the Dean's Office BKR to the Master's degree programs in Civil Engineering and SEI
- 10:00 to 15:00, Room 5.E03, Introduction to the Master's degree program SEI
on 09.04.2024
- Starting 10:30 a.m. at “Domplatz” Erfurt - Citytour
You are cordially invited to attend both events. Afterwards, regular teaching will begin.
A good start to everyone!
Your Department of Civil Engineering
Master's Program Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure
The practically oriented Master's program in Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure is taught in English and follows on consecutively from a 7-semester Bachelor's program in Civil Engineering. After a standard period of study of 3 semesters, it leads to a second professional and academic degree.
Students are also given the opportunity to complete an additional semester in order to carry out further scientific work at a research institution or during an engineering placement.
Interested students who have a 6-semester Bachelor's degree can be admitted to the Master's program, subject to special conditions and decisions on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the director of studies or academic advisor.
Webinar introducing the Master's program
Listen to our program director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Arndt introducing our SEI-Master's program in this short webinar.
© MyGU GmbH (Study M.Eng. Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure at Fachhochschule Erfurt in Germany) 2021
Please note that the administration fees and application deadline (might) have changed compared to the information within the video. Please check the official information on our website below or uni-assist., etc.
Study objectives
The Master's program concludes with the academic degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) and is designed to enable students to work internationally in the following professional fields:
- the planning, drafting, calculation and management of civil engineering and urban infrastructure projects,
- complex civil engineering work in leadership positions in the planning, calculation, execution and managment of civil engineering and urban infrastructure projects,
- application of in-depth knowledge of engineering theory, complex workflows and processes in research and development.
Forms of study
Lectures and seminars take place according to a binding timetable. In addition, there is time for self-study. The amount of time planned for each individual module is fixed in the module descriptions.
Practical courses in small groups complement theoretical work. The department has well-equipped laboratories for building materials science, road construction, foundation engineering and hydraulic engineering as well as a laboratory hall with equipment for building physics and construction technology.
Projects (e.g. building construction) are compulsory according to the study plan and are worked on during the course. Modern PC pools are also available for this purpose.
Field trips lasting several days to current large construction sites and interesting engineering structures are offered as an option and usually take place at the beginning of the 2nd semester. Smaller construction projects in the vicinity are also visited in day excursions.
- Title Master Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure
- Qualification/degree Master (Master of Engineering)
- Duration 3 semesters
- Mode of study full-time
Summer semester
- Costs -
- Admission Restricted admissions (NC)
- Period for application 15.05. - 15.09.
- General Requirements Yes Show
- Special Requirements Yes Show
Restricted Admissions ("Numerus Clausus")
Admissions test: Exposé
The admissions test consists of an exposé, written in English, with a maximum length of 7,500 characters, including spaces. It is designed to demonstrate the applicant's ability to produce academic work and show that they are able to summarize complex issues clearly and concisely. It is to be submitted with the application (via Uni-assist) by September 15th.
Link: Expose recommendation
List of modules
Entry requirements
The entry requirements for the consecutive Master’s degree in Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt are regulated in § 3 of the General Academic Regulations and Procedures (RPO B./M./W.). Specifically, the requirements are as follows:
- an undergraduate degree from a university or co-operative study program in Civil Engineering with
- a completed workload of at least 210 credit points (CP) and
- above-average examination results (equivalent to the German grade 2 or above).
For Bachelor's graduates with fewer than 210 credits, see below.
Furthermore, the following English language skills are required: level B2 (CEFR) as demonstrated by:
- proof of native speaker status or
- an internationally recognized certificate of English language skills at level B2 or
- equivalent certification.
Admission to the consecutive Master's program Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure can be applied for after successful completion of a 6-semester Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering at another university. In this case, admission can only be granted if the remaining 30 credits of the 7-semester Bachelor's program can be earned by completing a 16-week engineering placement with an accompanying written report and colloquium prior to the student applying to the examination board to write their Master’s thesis. The remaining credits shall be awarded after successful completion of the colloquium. Further details are stipulated in the Work Placement Regulations for the international Master’s degree in Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure (PraO-int.MA, Appendix 3). In such cases, the Examination Board reserves the right to interview and, if necessary, examine the candidate in person.
Application period
The application period runs from May 15th to September 15th for those students wishing to be enrolled in the summer semester of the Master's program in Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure. The summer semester usually starts in mid to late April.
Decision-making aids
Anyone considering studying abroad naturally has a lot of questions.
- Which field of study is right for me?
- Will I be able to cope with the new environment?
- In what direction can I develop professionally afterwards?
- What demands can I expect?
- What is everyday life like in Germany?
- What will my chances be on the German or domestic labour market after graduation?
- What are the earning opportunities like?
There are certainly many more questions that could be added to this list. But let's try to give you a few answers without going too far:
Whether a specific field of study suits you personally is something everyone has to decide for themselves. Many students in the Master's program have gained their first professional experience after their Bachelor's degree and should be able to answer this question for themselves. Nevertheless, the engineering and science-based study program in Civil Engineering is certainly not the easiest. Ideally, you should be able to cope well with mathematics, have a bit of fun with physics and be happy when the chemistry is right. If you're also someone who likes planning, organizing, communicating and is interested in influencing the built environment, all the better. Anyone who already has a "building" background would be an ideal candidate.
Studying in Germany is certainly a challenge! Our English-taught Master's program can at least take away the fear of the language barrier. Otherwise, Erfurt, as the capital of the Free State of Thuringia, has a lot to offer in terms of extracurricular life. There are communities of many nationalities, the city is cosmopolitan and offers many cultural, sporting and historical perspectives. The best way to find out about studying in Germany in general is to visit the website of the Ministry of Education, e.g. www.study-in-germany.de/en/.
To sum up, studying in Germany is definitely worthwhile. It improves your chances on the German and international labour market, broadens your perspective on many things and helps you to orientate yourself in the variety of professional opportunities.
Which occupational fields are open to me?
The degree program in Sustainable Engineering of Infrastructure qualifies students for professional activity in the following areas:
- Planning, management and supervision of infrastructure with special consideration of economic efficiency.
- Infrastructure management
- Advising clients and planners on technical and economic aspects; organizing, coordinating and monitoring the infrastructure planning and construction
- Maintenance and repair
- Development of diagnoses for the preparation of maintenance, repair and upgrading measures, including design, planning and construction solutions and implementation, taking into account the protection of historical monuments.
- Draft, design, dimensioning and implementation of engineered infrastructure systems
- Road engineering
- Design and dimensioning of roads and their operation, taking into account environmental compatibility.
- Hydraulic engineering and urban water management
- Planning, design and dimensioning of hydraulic engineering and urban water management facilities with special consideration of environmental protection.
Graduates in Sustainable Engineering ofInfrastructure are particularly active in
- planning engineering offices
- the construction departments of industrial and commercial enterprises,
- technical administrations of the public sector.