Schools Lab
The laboratory helps school pupils to experience and understand physical phenomena.
The aim of the laboratory is to convey to young people the special appeal of the natural sciences in general and physics in particular by enabling them to conduct their own experiments. In addition, they gain an insight into university life and how students work.
This service is free of charge. It is primarily intended for groups and can be attended as a school event.
However, teachers can also receive further training here and thus also benefit from our wide range of equipment.
The Schools Lab has equipment that is usually not available in schools. For example, the "Strahlenschutzseminar in Thüringen e.V." (Radiation Protection Seminar in Thuringia) has provided us with modern, computer-aided measuring stations and a school X-ray machine.
The Schools Lab had already been running in the Erfurt Electricity Museum for over 12 years before its work was continued at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt from May 2013 onwards.
General Information
Requirements: the experiments should be prepared for and followed up in the pupils' school lessons in the corresponding subject / secondary until A-level education; access to Leifiphysik
Duration of event: approx. 2 - 3 hours
Group size: max. 28 pupils plus accompanying staff
Light/Geometrical Optics
- Refraction
- Reflection
- Total internal reflection
- Critical angle, lenses, refractive index
- Spectrum analysis
Electricity and Magnetism
- Permanent magnetism
- Electromagnetism
- Resistors in DC circuits
- Resistors in AC circuits
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- Alpha, beta and gamma radiation
- Half-life, inverse-square law, shielding, absorption
- X-ray radiation
Mechanics and General Topics
- Work, energy, power
- Types of energy transformation
- Potential energy, solar panels