Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Kühnel owns the professorship for Intelligent Transportation Systems at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt since 2017 and is currently teaching courses in the following Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs:
- Industrial Engineer in Railway Engineering (BEng.)
- Industrial Engineer in Traffic, Transportation, Logistics (BEng.)
- Industrial Engineer in Traffic and Transportation (MSc.)
- Industrial Engineer in Material Flow and Logistics (MEng.)
He is currently teaching the following subjects:
- Fundamentals of Traffic and Transportation Technologies: Road Traffic Technology Fundamentals
- Dynamics
- Communication Technology in Traffic and Transportation
- Traffic Telematics
- Project
Currently, he is teaching the following subjects of the master’s program
- Fundamentals of Innovative Traffic Systems
- Traffic Control and Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Connected and Automated Traffic Systems
- Sustainable Transportation Systems
- Project
- Master Seminar for Material Flow and Logistics
The Professorship deals with (Cooperative) Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) on one hand with traffic telematics applications for traffic control on the basis of static and in particular dynamic traffic data and information. On the other hand, cooperative systems that require communication between vehicles and the infrastructure side in order to support connected and automated traffic by road infrastructure applications are discussed too. These systems aim at an optimized traffic flow of traffic on the road in terms of traffic efficiency and traffic safety, address sustainability aspects.
The many years of his experience at the chair in the field of telematics and future innovative transportation systems are used to enable graduates to recognize road infrastructure challenges, in particular with regard to traffic safety and traffic efficiency, to systematically develop solutions, implement them and operate them.