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    PowerPoint-Präsentation Der externe Zugang zu E-Medien über Shibboleth Shibboleth – WAS ist das und WOFÜR brauche ich es? • Shibboleth ist ein Authentifizierungs- und Autorisierungsverfahren • mit einer einzigen Anmeldung kann ortsunabhängig und ohne vorherige Installation auf Dienste oder lizenzier

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    Relevance: 14% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    1. StuRa - Student Council
    2. Studentisches Engagement
    3. Student Groups


    What's food-sharing? Food-sharing is an initiative aimed at reducing food waste by rescuing it before it's thrown away. Altogether, around 3000 businesses and 25,000 volunteers are involved in food-sharing. What is a "FairTeiler"? A "FairTeiler" is a place where everyone can bring or pick food up fo


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    PowerPoint-Präsentation Der externe Zugang zu E-Medien über Shibboleth Shibboleth – WAS ist das und WOFÜR brauche ich es? • Shibboleth ist ein Authentifizierungs- und Autorisierungsverfahren • mit einer einzigen Anmeldung kann ortsunabhängig und ohne vorherige Installation auf Dienste oder lizenzier

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning

    Student Council: Urban & Spatial Planning

    Student representatives: Urban & Spatial Planning News 09.11.2022: Film evening 16.11.2022: Buy & swap 23.11.2022: Urban Diary "Work placement" 30.11.2022: Film evening 14.12.2022: Winter party Who are we? The student reps consist of up to ten members elected by the students of Urban and Spatial Pla


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    1. StuRa - Student Council
    2. Studentisches Engagement
    3. Student Groups

    Café Aquarium

    What is Café Aquarium? The student café Aquarium was founded in 1999 to encourage communication and networking between student councils, students and professors. Since then, it has become a popular meeting place for students at FH Erfurt. The student café gradually developed into what it is today: a


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Administration
    3. Estates and Facilities

    Occupational Safety

    Find out more about our Occupational Safety division and how to contact us.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


    More than a student ID card...


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Organizational Matters


    Don't forget! If you wish to continue studying at FH Erfurt and on your current degree program, you need to re-enrol every semester.


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    Mercure Hotel Erfurt Altstadt Meienbergstrasse 26-27 99084 Erfurt - Deutschland Tel: +49 361 5949-0 - Fax: +49 361 5949 100 H5375@accor.com mercure.com Reservierung aus dem Abrufkontingent: World Petunia Days 2024 Buchen Sie bitte bis zum 08.05.2024. Spätere Buchungen sind nur zu anderen Konditionen

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Committees

    Works Council

    We represent the interests of all employees at our organization


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