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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry
    4. Landscape Architecture
    Bachelor Landscape Architecture " href="https://www.fh-erfurt.de/en/faculties-and-departments/landscape-architecture-horticulture-and-forestry/landscape-architecture/bachelor-landscape-architecture">

    Bachelor Landscape Architecture

    Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture Are you interested in nature and the environment but also passionate about social issues and creative design? These are the perfect ingredients for studying our Bachelor's degree program in Landscape Architecture! This multi-faceted field of study unites creativi


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport
    4. Traffic and Transportation
    Automotive Engineering Laboratory " href="https://www.fh-erfurt.de/en/faculties-and-departments/business-logistics-and-transport/traffic-and-transportation/automotive-engineering-laboratory">

    Automotive Engineering Laboratory

    Automotive Engineering Laboratory The main idea of the Automotive Engineering Laboratory is to provide a user-oriented approach to the teaching and research of current automotive engineering issues. The underlying concept is twofold: in addition to offering technical and manpower support for current


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    Untitled " href="/fileadmin/Dokumente/ZIB/FHE_Broschuere_Internationalisierung_1_.pdf">


    Untitled Zusammen Wirken. Dieses Motto, was das Jubiläumsjahr 2021/22 anlässlich des 30­jährigen Bestehens der Fachhochschule Erfurt (FHE) programmatisch begleitete, steht zugleich für den Prozess der Internationalisierung der FHE. In einer gemeinsamen An­ strengung soll die Internationalisierung an

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    Antrag " href="/fileadmin/Dokumente/ZSA/thoska/Antrag_auf_Auszahlung_des_Kartenguthabens.pdf">


    Antrag auf Auszahlung von Guthaben auf der elektronischen Geldbörse der thoska Achtung: Für funktionierende Karten verwenden Sie für die Auszahlung bitte einen Aufwerter mit Auszahlfunktion in einer Mensa. Name, Vorname der karteninhabenden Person: Hochschule: Matrikelnummer: Grund der Auszahlung: E

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Building Services Engineering
    Master Renewable Energy Management " href="https://www.fh-erfurt.de/en/faculties-and-departments/building-services-engineering-and-computer-science/building-services-engineering/master-renewable-energy-management">

    Master Renewable Energy Management

    Are you interested in contributing to the energy transition and believe that there is more to it than just technology?


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    1. ISP
    TransX " href="https://isp.fh-erfurt.de/en/transx">


    TransX Cross-media participation in the post-corona city - transformations to strengthen social cohesion in disadvantaged spaces Networking activities for research on innovations in the field of democracy and governance in disadvantaged spaces in the post-Covid era As part of the project TransX, the


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory
    Skupin, Peter " href="https://www.fh-erfurt.de/en/university-directory/skupin-peter">

    Skupin, Peter

    Vita Bio Peter Skupin studied general computer science at the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. He then worked for 25 years as a project engineer in the field of automation and software development at various companies, including 15 years at "Philips GmbH Innovation Services" in Aachen. Ther


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