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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research Centre for Horticultural Crops (FGK)

    Molecular Genetics in the Breeding of Horticultural Crops

    Molecular Genetics in the Breeding of Horticultural Crops In view of climate change, it is essential to cultivate climate-adapted and disease-resistant horticultural crops that meet the requirements of ecologically sustainable plant production and the high demands of end consumers. During the 1 ST f


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport

    Faculty Board

    Faculty Board The faculty board advises and makes decisions about matters of fundamental importance for the faculty. The Faculty Board has nine members with voting rights, of whom three are elected equally from each status group of the university members (teaching staff, employees, students). In mat


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. International Office


    Learn more about projects that make it easier for international students to get started at our university and in the city of Erfurt.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry
    4. Horticulture

    Cannabis cultivation

    Cannabis cultivation Hemp (Cannabis sativa) is one of the oldest and most versatile industrial and medicinal plants on earth. This herbaceous perennial plant originates from central Asia and botanically belongs to the hemp family (Cannabaceae), like hops. Hemp can be used in four different ways: com


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


    Accessibility on the Fachhochschule Erfurt website


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Advice and Services

    Students with Disabilities

    Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses Before and during your studies, many questions and challenges can arise, but you may also encounter problems due to environmental barriers. On this website we hope to be able to answer these questions and also give you an overview of the various treatm


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Advice and Services

    Student Finance

    Going to university costs money. But don't panic, there's plenty of information and support available when it comes to costs and funding.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Advice and Services

    Online Services

    All about the university's central IT services


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport
    4. Traffic and Transportation

    Master European Railway Systems

    Master’s in European Railway Systems (M.Sc.) This international continuing academic education program is run jointly by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria) in cooperation with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW, Switzerland).


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    0050AA44B7D9240130133447 House Rules Table of Contents § 1 Scope .................................................................................................................................... 2 § 2 Domiciliary rights .............................................................................

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