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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research Centre for Horticultural Crops (FGK)

    Peer Reviewed

    Peer Reviewed Here you will find all of the publications from the Research Centre for Horticultural Crops from recent years. De Rocchis V, Roitsch T, Franken P (2022): Extracellular glycolytic activities in root endophytic Serendipitaceae and their regulation by plant sugars. Microorganisms 10: 320.


    Relevance: 27% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Spillner, Anke

    Anke Spillner Contact Business, Logistics and Transport IVR Project Employee Altonaer Str. | 11.1.26 +49 361 6700-6292 anke.spillner@fh-erfurt.de Vita Bio Anke Spillner studied mechanical engineering with a specialization in power transmission technology and graduated from the University of Magdebur


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Profile

    Fachhochschule Erfurt

    Facts and Figures Overview Students Staff Lecturers 6 Faculties, 13 Departments Faculties: Applied Social Sciences Architecture and Urban Planning Civil Engineering and Conservation/Restoration Building Services Engineering and Computer Science Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry Busin


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    1. ISP


    HeatResilientCity II Heat adaptation of urban buildings and settlement stru ctures – actor-oriented implementation support to strengthen climate resilience and preventive health care More cooling for cities Hot summers, record temperatures, persistent droughts: life in cities is getting hotter and h


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Sting, Frederik

    Frederik Sting Contact Business, Logistics and Transport IVR Project Employee Altonaer Straße | Raum 11.1.18 +49 361 6700-6797 frederik.sting@fh-erfurt.de Vita Bio Frederik Sting completed his dual studies in mechatronics at the DHBW Mannheim from 2011 to 2014. His training partner was DB Regio AG,


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Hille, Claudia

    Dr. Claudia Hille Contact Business, Logistics and Transport IVR Former Administrative Manager, Transport and Spatial Planning Institute (IVR) Altonaer Straße - claudia.hille@fh-erfurt.de Short Bio Dr Claudia Hille studied sociology at the University of Leipzig and the Collegium Civitas in Warsaw/Pol


    Relevance: 24% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research Centre for Horticultural Crops (FGK)

    FGK in the media

    FGK in the media Visit by Dr. Böhler, State Secretary for Research, Innovation and Economic Development at the Thuringian Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG) (17.01.2023) Dr. Böhler visited the FGK to make her own impressions of the research activities at our Research Centre. G


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning

    Student Council: Urban & Spatial Planning

    Student Council: Urban & Spatial Planning News We have finished collecting signatures in support of our policy paper! 364 students from the departments of urban and spatial planning and architecture have backed our campaign. With the backing of the student council, we are now in contact with the exe


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    STUDIENINFORMATION 2022 Fachrichtung Gebäude- und Energietechnik Wir sind uns unserer Verantwortung bewusst #bluegoesgreen Unser Durchschnittsalter liegt bei nur 35 Jahren. Seit 1991 haben wir knapp 300 Azubi‘s und Studenten ausgebildet. Eine Zahl auf die wir stolz sind! Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

    Referenced at:


    Relevance: 23% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    1. IVR
    2. Current research projects


    E-CORE E-CORE: Electrified Corridor Europe The E-CORE project is concerned with the cross-border introduction of electric road systems (ERS) for road freight transport in Europe. For the first time, a comprehensive scientific feasibility study is to be carried out on the construction of an ERS corri


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