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1131 results for your search

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Centre of Fundamental Studies
    4. Orientation Opportunities

    Schools Lab

    Experiencing and understanding physical phenomena


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. PACKS (Basic School)

    Writing Workshops

    Writing Workshops The workshops on academic work and academic writing are aimed at students and staff at our university. In the summer semester, these workshops include the PACKS elective modules on academic work and academic writing, the Writing Fellow Program, the Language Centre's consultation an


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Lehmann, Michael

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Lehmann Contact Traffic and Transportation Business, Logistics and Transport IVR Professor of Railway Engineering in an International Context Program Director of the International Continuing Academic Education Master's in European Railway Systems (M.Sc.) Chair of the Examinati


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Spillner, Anke

    Anke Spillner Contact Business, Logistics and Transport IVR Project Employee Altonaer Str. | 11.1.26 +49 361 6700-6292 anke.spillner@fh-erfurt.de Vita Bio Anke Spillner studied mechanical engineering with a specialization in power transmission technology and graduated from the University of Magdebur


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research
    3. Forschungsservice
    4. Forschungsbericht
    5. Faculties

    Architecture and Urban Planning

    Research in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Administration
    3. Estates and Facilities

    Timetable and Room Planning

    Find out more about Timetable and Room Planning and how to contact us.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Brunner, Sabine

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Brunner Contact Business Administration Business, Logistics and Transport Professor Business Administration, specializing in Human Resource Management Altonaer Straße | 6.2.20 +49 361 6700-6361 sabine.brunner@fh-erfurt.de Office hours / Opening hours after prior arrangement by email


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Administration
    3. Human Resources and Legal Affairs


    Find out more about our responsibilities and how to contact us


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Centre of Fundamental Studies
    4. Labs in the Centre for Fundamental Studies

    Materials Engineering

    Materials Engineering Lab Selected materials testing procedures are carried out in the Materials Engineering lab. Key material parameters are measured together with their relationship to the condition of the material. Services Non-destructive material testing - ultrasound/ ionizing radiation Testing


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Administration
    3. Human Resources and Legal Affairs

    Professorial appointment procedures

    Find out more about professorial appointments


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