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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Kiefer, Leon

    Leon Kiefer Contact Business, Logistics and Transport IVR Project Employee Member of the Research and Transfer Committee Altonaer Straße | Raum 11.1.19 +49 361 6700-6793 leon.kiefer@fh-erfurt.de Vita Bio Leon Kiefer studied geoinformatics at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. He came into con


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Administration
    3. Human Resources and Legal Affairs

    Staff administration/statistics

    Find out more about what we do and how to contact us in the HR department 'Staff Administration and Statistics'


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Degree Courses and Professional Development

    Studying Part-Time

    Students can apply to study part-time by submitting a written application to the Student Admissions Office.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport
    4. Traffic and Transportation

    Bachelor Sustainable Mobility and Logistics

    Study Sustainable Mobility and Logistics (B.Eng.) at FH Erfurt


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. International Office


    Learn more about projects that make it easier for international students to get started at our university and in the city of Erfurt.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science

    Student Council: Applied Computer Science

    Student Council: Applied Computer Science All students in the department constitute the student council, who then elect student representatives to the "Fachschaftsrat" (FSR). When the student council is referred to, this usually means the representatives of the FSR, i.e. the group of students who ac


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning
    4. Architecture


    FInd out more about studying or work placements abroad


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    Jahresbericht 2023

    Personalentwicklung und Gewinnung

    Referenced at:


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning


    Workshops Our faculty has excellent facilities and workshops for working with computers, photography and model making (e.g. 3D printing). In the CHE University Ranking for 2019/20, we achieved top marks in the workshop criteria: work stations (in the top group) IT equipment (top group) rooms (top gr


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. University Library

    Finding Information

    In addition to Katalog+, we also offer specialist databases and portals for searching for literature and research studies. It includes books, e-books and journal articles. The spectrum of subjects ranges from Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning to Social Work, Early Childhood Education, the Tra


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