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149 results for your search

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Building Services Engineering

    Master Sustainable Building and Energy Systems

    Course Contents Modules Apply Careers Master's in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems After three semesters of study, the Master's program in Sustainable Building and Energy Systems leads to the degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) . The language of instruction is German. Program objectives The


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Building Services Engineering

    Master Renewable Energy Management

    Are you interested in contributing to the energy transition and believe that there is more to it than just technology?


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry
    4. Horticulture

    Master Sustainable Plant Production in Research and Practice

    Master’s in Sustainable Plant Production in Research and Practice Are you looking to take responsibility for creating a sustainable, green future? Then you’re in exactly the right place! Our Master's program will provide you with the leadership skills you need. Based on your compulsory elective subj


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research Centre for Horticultural Crops (FGK)

    Projects for work placements, Bachelor's and Master's theses

    Projects for work placements, Bachelor's and Master's theses Identification of pollen meiosis genes in hydrangea Dokumentname Upload am Art Größe Download Meiosis genes of Hydrangea macrophylla 23.01.2023 Upload am: 23.01.2023 pdf Art: pdf 81 KB Größe: 81 KB Download Dark septate endophytes (DSEs) a


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport
    4. Traffic and Transportation

    Master European Railway Systems

    Master’s in European Railway Systems (M.Sc.) This international continuing academic education program is run jointly by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria) in cooperation with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW, Switzerland).


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    Modulkatalog (Stand Okt. 2022)

    Modulcode Modulbezeichnung Zuordnung MGA1010 Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung MA Studiengang MA Nachhaltiger Pflanzenbau in Forschung und Praxis Fakultät Landschaftsarchitektur, Gartenbau und Forst Modulverantwortlich Prof. Dr. Wim Schwerdtner Modulart Pflichtmodul Angebotshäufigkeit 1x jährlich im W

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    Master MuL Studienverlaufsplan

    Master MuL Studienverlaufsplan 1. Semester 2. Semester 3. Semester 4. Semester Credits 30 Credits 30 Credits 30 Credits 30 PM = Pflichtmodul, WPM = Wahlpflichtmodul Semester Modulnummer - Modulname CP 2 2010 - Straßenfahrzeugtechnik 6 2 2020 - Personalführung 2 2 6 2 2090 - Produktionssystem - Kompe

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    Master Thesis - Formular zur Anmeldung

    Master Thesis Formular zur Anmeldung M.Eng. Materialfluss und Logistik Anlage 1, Blatt 1 Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit/Masterthesis An den Vorsitzenden des Prüfungsausschusses der Fachrichtung Verkehrs- und Transportwesen Vor- und Zuname: Matrikel-Nummer: Unternehmens / Institution, bei der die Arbeit

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    Application for university transfer (MA)

    Application for university transfer in a Master’s program Please tick as appropriate: for Winter Semester ________ for Summer Semester ________ Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Tel.: 0361 6700-111 Fax: 0

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    Master Thesis - Hinweise zur Anfertigung

    Hinweise und Ausführungsbestimmungen zur Anfertigung der Master-Thesis in den Studiengängen M.Eng. Materialfluss und Logistik sowie M.Sc. Verkehr und Transport an der FHE ab Prüfungsordnungen 2019

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    Relevance: 42% Type: Document File extension: PDF