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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research Centre for Horticultural Crops (FGK)


    Events Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften ("Long Night of the Sciences") Venue: FGK premises Date: 23.06.2023 Wissenschaftsnacht – Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften | Erfurter Lange Nächte Girls' Day Venue: FGK premises Date: 27.04.2023 Home | Girls' Day (girls-day.de) IPM Essen Venue: Messehalle Essen Dat


    Relevance: 37% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Administration
    3. Human Resources and Legal Affairs

    Professorial appointment procedures

    Find out more about professorial appointments


    Relevance: 37% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Profile

    Engagement der Fachhochschule Erfurt

    The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt is not only known for good teaching and excellent research.


    Relevance: 37% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Degree Courses and Professional Development
    3. Get to know us

    Taster days

    Join a student from the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt to attend classes and explore the campus together.


    Relevance: 37% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning
    4. Urban and Spatial Planning
    5. International


    Cooperation To make it easier to spend time abroad, it is extremely important to have cooperation partners, ERASMUS contracts and contacts with faculty members. But reciprocal learning from each other and collaborative networking should also be encouraged through the links between universities withi


    Relevance: 36% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Gender and Diversity

    Gender Diversity

    Gender Diversity at FH Erfurt In its mission statement , the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt affirms its commitment to diversity and opposes all forms of discrimination. This also means respecting and recognizing the realities of trans, inter and non-binary people. Participatory processes are


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    StuRa - Student Council

    The student council (StuRa) is the most senior student committee at FH Erfurt and represents the entire student community.


    Relevance: 35% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. International Office


    Learn more about projects that make it easier for international students to get started at our university and in the city of Erfurt.


    Relevance: 34% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Applied Social Sciences
    4. Social Work

    Bachelor Social Work

    Find out more about the degree program


    Relevance: 34% Type: Page

    1. ISP


    InZuSta Alliance „Thüringer Becken“ - Intermunicipal Future City 2030+ As part of the Year of Science 2015, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research announced the "City of the Future" nationwide competition. As a participant in this competition, the "Thuringian Basin" alliance has set itself t


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