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    1. ISP

    research projects

    ISP-research projects and doctorates Over the years, the ISP Institute has conducted numerous research projects in cooperation with partners from science and practice at the interface of housing and urban development as well as on questions of stakeholder participation (civil society, state institut


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    i=l-1 - FACHHOCHSCHULE - ERFURT UNIVERSITY - OF APPLIED SCIENCES Hochschulbibliothek Erklärung Hiermit erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass meine Tochter/mein Sohn Name, Vorname __________________ _ die Hochschulbibliothek der Fachhochschule Er­ furt benutzen darf. Ich hafte für alle Schäden,

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    Betreffzeile des Briefes

    Betreffzeile des Briefes Zeitplan für die Immatrikulation im Bachelorstudiengang Forstwirtschaft und Ökosystemmanagement – DUAL Bewerbung bei den Kooperationspartnern Die Bewerbung erfolgt direkt bei den Kooperationspartnern (derzeit Bundesforst, ThüringenForst AöR, Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirts

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    Name der*s Beschäftigten Hiermit bestätige ich, dass die o. g. Open-Access-Publikation mit meinem Hauptamt in Zusammenhang steht und unentgeltlich erfolgt. Insbesondere erhalte ich für die Veröffentlichung keine Vergütung und werde keine Einnahmen, bspw. über die VG Wort, erzielen. Name der*s Fachvo

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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning
    4. Urban and Spatial Planning
    5. International


    Cooperation To make it easier to spend time abroad, it is extremely important to have cooperation partners, ERASMUS contracts and contacts with faculty members. But reciprocal learning from each other and collaborative networking should also be encouraged through the links between universities withi


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    1. ISP

    Office hours and directions

    Contacts and Directions You will find the Institute for Urban Research, Planning and Communication, a research institution at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, at the main campus in Altonaer Straße. Located close to the city centre, you can reach us easily by public transport, car or on foo


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport
    4. Business Administration

    Master Finance and Accounting

    Find out more about this degree program


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Civil Engineering and Conservation & Restoration
    4. Konservierung / Restaurierung

    Englischer Master

    International, English-taught MA course The conservation / restoration department was founded in 1994 as an independent diploma course. The main areas of study offered since then have been: “Archaeological cultural assets and handicraft objects”, “Stained Glass and Objects made of Glass”, “Mosaic”,


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    1. IVR


    The IVR team The research work of the institute is carried out by highly qualified, motivated and creative members of staff. Our interdisciplinary team includes spatial planners, transport engineers, geographers, computer scientists and industrial engineers. The IVR team can therefore draw on extens


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    Antrag Adobe Lizenz

    Änderungsantrag für Telefonanschluss Antrag Adobe CCE NUL NUL = Named User License An das Hochschulrechenzentrum Version 0.24_0320 Mit diesem Formular beantragen Sie eine Adobe Creative Cloud for Enterprise Named User License. Angaben zur Organisationseinheit Fakultät / Einrichtung (z.B. ARS, ASW, B

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