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    1. ISP


    HeatResilientCity Heat-resilient urban and neighbourhood development in large cities - Resident-oriented knowledge generation and implementation in Dresden and Erfurt - Governance structures, stakeholder perspectives and strategies in heat-stressed neighbourhoods Climate adaptation measures at the c


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. University Computer Centre
    4. Services and Apps


    This service enables you to print your documents at various locations.


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. University Computer Centre
    4. Services and Apps

    Email for staff

    Microsoft Exchange / Outlook The Computer Centre provides a groupware service with Microsoft Exchange for all lecturers and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. In addition to managing emails, Microsoft Exchange offers other functions that are especially useful for group work. The


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. University Library

    Checking for plagiarism

    Checking for plagiarism The software "Ouriginal" is a useful tool for automatically checking documents for plagiarism. The aim is to promote good academic working methods as early as possible. By providing teachers with check reports, the software makes it possible to identify text passages that req


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Degree Courses and Professional Development

    Studying Part-Time

    Students can apply to study part-time by submitting a written application to the Student Admissions Office.


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    1. ISP


    HIA_City Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in urban development Health impact assessment as a model for integrating health aspects into urban planning HIA (health impact assesssment) is defined by the World Health Organization as "a combination of procedures, methods and tools for assessing the impact


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research Centre for Horticultural Crops (FGK)

    Molecular Genetics in the Breeding of Horticultural Crops

    Molecular Genetics in the Breeding of Horticultural Crops In view of climate change, it is essential to cultivate climate-adapted and disease-resistant horticultural crops that meet the requirements of ecologically sustainable plant production and the high demands of end consumers. During the 1 ST f


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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Applied Computer Science

    Bachelor Applied Computer Science - Cooperative Degree

    Bachelor’s in Applied Computer Science - Cooperative Degree The cooperative Bachelor’s degree program in Applied Computer Science leads to a first professional qualification - the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) after 7 semesters of study The language of instruction is German. Practical experience is em


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    1. ISP

    Research Areas

    Research focus of the ISP The work of our institute is focussed on four main research areas: sustainable urban and settlement planning sustainability and climate protection governance and planning communication housing and urban development These focal points are embedded in all of our research proj


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    1 On December 6, 2023, the University Executive Board adopted the Directive for the Prevention of and Protection against Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination and Violence (German abbreviation: SBDG- Schutz-RL) at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (FHE). The co-determination of the Works Cou

    Referenced at:


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