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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry

    Dean's Office

    Dean's Office The Dean's Office is the administrative management of the faculty. Dean Prof. Erik Findeisen Dekan Fak. LGF +49 361 6700-2246 erik.findeisen@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Straße 77 | 1.E.16 Profile Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Birgit Wilhelm +49 361 6700-2217 birgit.wilhelm@f


    Relevance: 100% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Degree Courses and Professional Development

    Occasional and Affiliate Students

    A university education without a degree? You can attend lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt as an occasional or affiliate student.


    Relevance: 95% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


    More than a student ID card...


    Relevance: 69% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport

    Traffic and Transportation

    Developing ideas for our future Electromobility | Mobility as a Service | Digitalization in Logistics | Freight from road to rail


    Relevance: 64% Type: Page