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    1. ISP

    Bücher und Fachartikel

    Books and scientific articles The team of the Institute for Urban Research, Planning and Communication regularly publishes new scientific findings in books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals. On this page, our previous publications provide an impression of the ISP's many years of res


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    1. ISP
    2. Team

    Prof. Dr. Heidi Sinning

    Prof.in Dr.-Ing. Heidi Sinning ©Andreas Pöcking © Andreas Pöcking Contact Stadt- und Raumplanung Architektur und Stadtplanung Institut für Stadtforschung, Planung und Kommunikation Professur für Stadtplanung und Kommunikation Prodekanin für Forschung und Transfer Institutsleiterin Institut für Stadt


    Relevance: 87% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning
    4. Urban and Spatial Planning

    Bachelor Urban and Spatial Planning

    Bachelor’s in Urban and Spatial Planning_Foundations The six-semester interdisciplinary Bachelor's program in Urban and Spatial Planning teaches students to approach planning projects analytically and develop and visualize their proposed solutions using planning instruments and methods alongside com


    Relevance: 54% Type: Page

    1. ISP


    InZuSta Alliance „Thüringer Becken“ - Intermunicipal Future City 2030+ As part of the Year of Science 2015, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research announced the "City of the Future" nationwide competition. As a participant in this competition, the "Thuringian Basin" alliance has set itself t


    Relevance: 52% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Hille, Claudia

    Dr. Claudia Hille Contact Wirtschaft-Logistik-Verkehr Institut Verkehr und Raum Ehemalige Geschäftsführerin des Instituts Verkehr und Raum Altonaer Straße - claudia.hille@fh-erfurt.de Short Bio Dr Claudia Hille studied sociology at the University of Leipzig and the Collegium Civitas in Warsaw/Poland


    Relevance: 51% Type: Page

    1. ISP

    research projects

    ISP-research projects and doctorates Over the years, the ISP Institute has conducted numerous research projects in cooperation with partners from science and practice at the interface of housing and urban development as well as on questions of stakeholder participation (civil society, state institut


    Relevance: 48% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Architecture and Urban Planning
    4. Urban and Spatial Planning
    5. International


    Cooperation To make it easier to spend time abroad, it is extremely important to have cooperation partners, ERASMUS contracts and contacts with faculty members. But reciprocal learning from each other and collaborative networking should also be encouraged through the links between universities withi


    Relevance: 46% Type: Page

    1. ISP


    HeatResilientCity Heat-resilient urban and neighbourhood development in large cities - Resident-oriented knowledge generation and implementation in Dresden and Erfurt - Governance structures, stakeholder perspectives and strategies in heat-stressed neighbourhoods Climate adaptation measures at the c


    Relevance: 40% Type: Page

    1. ISP


    StraInWo Strategies and instruments for integrating particularly disadvantaged population groups into the housing market in the course of a sustainable transformation process of urban neighbourhoods About the project Background Flight, immigration and migration are part of the current transformation


    Relevance: 38% Type: Page

    1. ISP


    TMUEN-Study Making neighbourhoods liveable together - More space for green and climate-friendly mobility Land justice in neighbourhoods taking into account biodiversity, climate-friendly mobility and quality of life Urban neighbourhoods are still dominated by car-centred land use. Safe and wide foot


    Relevance: 24% Type: Page