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    Application for credit transfer

    1 Application for credit transfer Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: pruefungsamt@fh-erfurt.de 1. Personal Details Last name, first name Date of birth Degree course Student ID number Telephone numbe

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    Relevance: 100% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Application for an extension (thesis)

    Application for the extension of a deadline for a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: pruefungsamt@fh-erfurt.de Explanatory note to medical professionals: If a student i

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    Relevance: 88% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Withdrawal from an exam due to sickness

    Application for withdrawal from an examination due to illness Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: pruefungsamt@fh-erfurt.de Explanatory note to medical professionals: If a student is unable to take p

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    Relevance: 79% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Blocking Notes, Authorship, Cover Sheets

    Page 1 of 2 General Counsel, 28.03.2024 INFORMATION ON BLOCKING NOTICES, DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP AND COVER SHEETS A. Blocking Notices for Final Theses In principle, you do not need to include a blocking notice or even a confidentiality clause in your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, if your

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    Relevance: 79% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Application waiver/reduction (hardship)

    Antrag auf Beurlaubung Application for waiver / reduction of fees according to § 4 (6) of the Thuringian Higher Education Fees and Remuneration Act (ThürHGEG), hardship Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Tel. no.: 0361 6700 111 Email: studierendenservice@fh-erfu

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    Relevance: 78% Type: Document File extension: PDF


    Name der*s Beschäftigten Hiermit bestätige ich, dass die o. g. Open-Access-Publikation mit meinem Hauptamt in Zusammenhang steht und unentgeltlich erfolgt. Insbesondere erhalte ich für die Veröffentlichung keine Vergütung und werde keine Einnahmen, bspw. über die VG Wort, erzielen. Name der*s Fachvo

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    Relevance: 76% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Declaration of Authorship

    Declaration of independent work for term papers/Bachelor's and Master's theses

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    Relevance: 76% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Declaration of Authorship (AI)

    Declaration of independent work for term papers/Bachelor's and Master's theses

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    Relevance: 75% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Application as an affiliate student

    Application as an affiliate student Please tick as appropriate: for Winter Semester ________ for Summer Semester ________ Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Tel.: 0361 6700 111 Email: studierendenservice@f

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    Relevance: 70% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Learning Agreement

    1 Higher Education: Learning Agreement form Student’s name Academic Year 20…/20… Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationality1 Gender [Male/Female/ Undefined] Study cycle2 Field of education 3 Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department

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    Relevance: 69% Type: Document File extension: PDF