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    Application for an extension (thesis)

    Application for the extension of a deadline for a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: pruefungsamt@fh-erfurt.de Explanatory note to medical professionals: If a student i

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    Application for a leave of absence

    Application for a leave of absence Leave of absence in lieu of re-enrolment Please tick as appropriate: for Winter Semester ________ for Summer Semester ________ Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: s

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    FAQs on the APS India certificate Last amended: 10.05.2023 16:07 1. What is “APS India”? .................................................................................................................... 1 2. Why do I need to apply for an APS certificate? ..........................................

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    W ill ko m m en sb ro sc hü re W el co m e to F H Er fu rt In te rn at io na l S tu de nt s Willkommen an der Fachhochschule Erfurt Inhalt Vor der Anreise nach Erfurt 5 Unterkunft 11 Ansprechpartner:innen 13 Wichtiges nach der Ankunft in Erfurt 15 Vor der Abreise aus Erfurt 23 1. Gültiger Reisepass/

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    Information on withdrawing from an exam

    Procedure for withdrawing from examinations due to illness Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: pruefungsamt@fh-erfurt.de It is possible to withdraw from examinations up to 14 days before the beginnin

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    Blocking Notes, Authorship, Cover Sheets

    Page 1 of 2 General Counsel, 28.03.2024 INFORMATION ON BLOCKING NOTICES, DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP AND COVER SHEETS A. Blocking Notices for Final Theses In principle, you do not need to include a blocking notice or even a confidentiality clause in your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, if your

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    Relevance: 62% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    Withdrawal from an exam due to sickness

    Application for withdrawal from an examination due to illness Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten Centre for Student and Academic Affairs Altonaer Straße 25, 99085 Erfurt Email: pruefungsamt@fh-erfurt.de Explanatory note to medical professionals: If a student is unable to take p

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    Academic Regulations & Procedures

    University of Applied Sciences Erfurt Gazette / No. 74 This document is an uncertified translation which is provided for information purposes only. It is not legally binding. General Academic Regulations and Procedures for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs and Continuing Academic Education at the Uni

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    Microsoft PowerPoint - Tutorial_interlibrary loan.pptx

    Microsoft PowerPoint - Tutorial_interlibrary loan.pptx Interlibrary loan Interlibrary loan • service of libraries in Germany to procure books and articles that are not available in your library (eBooks can not be ordered via interlibrary loan) • printed books and articles, that are not available in 

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    Info on long-term tuition fees

    Information about long-term tuition fees In accordance with § 4 of the Thuringian Higher Education Fees and Charges Act (ThürHGEG), Thuringia’s higher education institutions are required to charge fees for students who exceed the standard period of study. This means that students who have exceeded t

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    Relevance: 53% Type: Document File extension: PDF