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670 results for your search

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    Dipl.-Ing. Heimo Woitek

    Civil Engineering and Conservation/Restoration | Civil Engineering

    IT Laboratory Engineer

    Compliance Officer

    Member of the Jury for the Hesse/Thuringia Construction Industry Association Sponsorship Award

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Petra Wollenberg

    Architecture and Urban Planning | Architecture

    Professor in Conceptual Planning and Urban Design

    Academic Advisor

    Chair of the Examination Board

    Office Hours: Thursdays, 4 - 5 p.m. Please contact me by email in advance (studienberatung-arc@fh-erfurt.de)

    +49 361 6700-4435 petra.wollenberg@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum 404

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Anja Wolter

    Architecture and Urban Planning | Urban and Spatial Planning | ISP

    Research Assistant

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wydra

    Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry | Horticulture

    Specialist Field: Plant Production and Climate Change

    Member of UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS-HLPE)
    Board of Directors of Solarinput e.V.
    International Alliance on Solar Energy and Drinking Water
    Advisory Board of ThEEN (Thüringer Erneuerbare Energien Netzwerk) https://www.theen-ev.de/de/beirat.html

    Member: Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL)

    after prior arrangement (by email)

    +49 361 6700-2230 kerstin.wydra@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Straße | 2.1.03

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Dipl.-Ing. Markus Würtz

    Business, Logistics and Transport | Traffic and Transportation

    Freelance Lecturer in Local Public Transport: Operation of Public Transport Services

    Sales Manager at Jenaer Nahverkehr GmbH

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Björn Zander

    Finance and Procurement


    +49 361 6700-7219 bjoern.zander@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 7.1.34

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Zeidler

    Business, Logistics and Transport | Traffic and Transportation

    Laboratory Engineer for IT Applications

    IT Admin for the Department of Traffic and Transportation

    Mon-Fri : 9 - 10:30 a.m. Mon-Thu: 1 - 2:30 p.m.

    +49 361 6700-6652 andreas.zeidler@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | Raum 6.1.08

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Susanne Zeltwanger

    Applied Social Sciences | Early Childhood Education | Social Work | ThinKPaed

    Research Assistant in the WisBeV Project - "Vielfalt vor Ort begegnen"

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Zemke

    Architecture and Urban Planning | Urban and Spatial Planning | FPZ

    Professor of Planning Law


    +49 361 6700-4000 reinhold.zemke@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum 103

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Dr. Volker Zerbe

    Building Services Engineering and Computer Science | Applied Computer Science

    Professor of Technical Computer Science / Embedded Systems

    +49 361 6700-5536 volker.zerbe@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | 5.2.01

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact