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535 results for your search

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    Honorar-Prof. RA Martin Kupfrian

    Business, Logistics and Transport | Traffic and Transportation

    Professor of Traffic and Transport Law

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Carolin Kusserow

    Finance and Procurement


    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Thomas Kämpfe

    Quality Assurance and Development

    STAFFER Project - Skill Alliance for the Future European Rail System

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Cornelia König

    Building Services Engineering and Computer Science | Building Services Engineering | IBQS

    Secretary, Building Services Engineering

    Secretary to the Department of Building Services Engineering

    Parental Leave Cover


    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Professor Dr.-Ing. Cornelia König em.

    Building Services Engineering and Computer Science | Building Services Engineering | IBIT

    Professor of Power Supply Systems

    Institutsleiterin am IBIT

    cornelia.koenig@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 0

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Gesa Königstein

    Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry | Landscape Architecture

    Specialist Field: Visual Representation/Drafting/Open Space Planning

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Kühnel

    Business, Logistics and Transport | Traffic and Transportation | IVR

    Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems

    Program Director, Master's in Traffic and Transportation (M.Sc.)

    Associate Dean for Research and Transfer

    Member of the Academic Committee;
    Member of the Transport and Spatial Planning Institute (IVR)

    Fridays, 12 - 1 p.m. (after prior arrangement by email)

    +49 361 6700-6376 carsten.kuehnel@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | Raum 4.2.04

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Dipl. Forstwirtin Karin Kühnel

    Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry | Forestry


    Specialist Field: Forest Pedagogy

    Mondays/Tuesdays by arrangement

    0361 6700 2833 karin.kuehnel@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Str. 77 | 1.1.14

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Secretary to the Dean's Office

    Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry | Forestry | Horticulture | Landscape Architecture
    +49 361 6700-2269 lgf-dekanat@fh-erfurt.de Leipziger Straße 77 | 1.E.15

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact

    Prof. Markus Lager

    Architecture and Urban Planning | Architecture

    Professor of Interdisciplinary Timber Engineering

    +49 361 6700-4431 markus.lager@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum 406

    Relevance: 0% Type: Contact