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    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. University Library

    Using the library

    Using the library Interlibrary loan IT Manuals Registration The University of Applied Sciences library is a public academic library. It can be used by students, lecturers and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt as well as members of the public. You can register to use the library


    Relevance: 82% Type: Page

    Secretary to the Vice-Presidents

    Office of the President
    +49 361 6700-7012 vp-sekretariat@fh-erfurt.de Campus Altonaer Straße 25 | 7.2.03

    Relevance: 82% Type: Contact

    Secretary to the President

    0361 6700-7011 praesidialamt@fh-erfurt.de Campus Altonaer Straße 25 | 7.2.11

    Relevance: 82% Type: Contact

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

    Privacy Policy

    PRIVACY POLICY IDENTITY AND CONTACT DETAILS OF THE CONTROLLER University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, represented by the President Prof. Dr. Frank Setzer Altonaer Straße 25 99085 Erfurt Germany Tel.: +49 361 6700-7011/-7012 E-mail: praesidialamt@fh-erfurt.de DATA PROTECTION OFFICER Hanna Louisa Niema


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt


    The Pro Thuringian Engineering Life Cycle project launched by the Thuringian Engineering Alliance is aimed at strengthening engineering sciences


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page

    1. IVR
    2. Projektarchiv


    ALADIN – Parking facilities for cargo bikes in neighbourhoods Even in German cities cargo bikes are becoming increasingly popular. Local authorities are more and more challenged to provide parking facilities in public areas.The “ALADIN” project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digita


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page

    1. ISP


    StraInQ Strategies and instruments of social coexistence in the neighbourhood for the integration of particularly disadvantaged population groups Online symposium on 14.10.2022 Strengthening social coexistence in the neighbourhood - culturally sensitive spaces, participation and anti-discrimination


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. Language Centre

    Language Course FAQs

    Language Course FAQs 9. Can I use my language courses as credits for my degree program? All language courses that are not part of your compulsory curriculum can be accepted as electives. The courses generally comprise 2 teaching hours per week, with 2 CPs awarded if you pass the exam. If you attend


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Research
    3. Forschungsservice

    Research Cooperation

    Are you interested in cooperating in research, development and technology transfer (research) with the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt?


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page

    1. IVR
    2. Projektarchiv

    AMELIE 2

    AMELIE 2 - Standardisation and harmonisation of overhead contact line systems Standardisation and harmonisation of overhead contact line systems for electric trucks and research of energy supply and billing scenarios in a European perspective 2 Although, the automotive industry already made some sig


    Relevance: 14% Type: Page