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    Tabelle mit Empfehlungen für Ph, Ma, Ch Brückenkurs nach tudiengängen

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    Profilbogen für Mentorinnen und Mentoren aus der Praxis Wir freuen uns sehr über Ihr Interesse, Teil des Mentoring-Programms zu werden. Um sicherzustellen, dass wir die bestmögliche Mentoring-Partnerschaft gestalten, möchten wir Sie bitten, den folgenden Profilbogen sorgfältig auszufüllen. Ihre Info

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    Relevance: 91% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    1. StuRa - Student Council
    2. Studentisches Engagement

    Student Representatives in the Faculties

    Click here for an overview of all the student representatives in the faculties at FH Erfurt.


    Relevance: 91% Type: Page


    Profilbogen für studensche Mentorinnen und Mentoren Wir freuen uns sehr über dein Interesse, Teil des Mentoring-Programms zu werden. Dein Engagement und deine Bereitschaft, wertvolle Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zu teilen, sind von unschätzbarem Wert für angehende Mentees. Um sicherzustellen, dass w

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    Relevance: 83% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Central Facilities
    3. STEM

    STEM Tutoring

    Tutoring and refresher courses The STEM department offers elective tutorials in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for all students at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. The idea is to help students expand their knowledge, close gaps and prepare for upcoming exams. The tutorials give student


    Relevance: 73% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Applied Computer Science

    Bachelor Applied Computer Science

    Interested in shaping and developing the digital world?


    Relevance: 66% Type: Page


    Wissenschaftliche_Bibliotheken_Leporello.indd Die hier vorgestellten wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken stehen allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern offen. Mit der »Direktorenkonferenz Thüringer Wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken« (DTWB) haben sich die Leitungen von 14 wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken eine Arbeits

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    Relevance: 65% Type: Document File extension: PDF

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Building Services Engineering and Computer Science
    4. Applied Computer Science

    Bachelor Applied Computer Science - Cooperative Degree

    Bachelor’s in Applied Computer Science - Cooperative Degree The cooperative Bachelor’s degree program in Applied Computer Science leads to a first professional qualification - the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) after 7 semesters of study The language of instruction is German. Practical experience is em


    Relevance: 65% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. Faculties and Departments
    3. Business, Logistics and Transport
    4. Traffic and Transportation

    Automotive Engineering Laboratory

    Automotive Engineering Laboratory The main idea of the Automotive Engineering Laboratory is to provide a user-oriented approach to the teaching and research of current automotive engineering issues. The underlying concept is twofold: in addition to offering technical and manpower support for current


    Relevance: 60% Type: Page

    1. University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
    2. University Directory

    Brandenburger, Yvonne

    Prof. Yvonne Brandenburger Contact Architecture Architecture and Urban Planning Professor of Architectural Planning and Design Vice-President for Research and Transfer 1st Deputy of the President Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum 406 +49 361 6700-4459 yvonne.brandenburger@fh-erfurt.de Research Publications Fo


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