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Research Cooperation

Are you interested in cooperating with the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt for the purpose of research, development and technology transfer (research)?

Research funded by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

The state of Thuringia will finance the basic requirements. Depending on the funding requirements, the university, the faculty or the individual researcher can decide whether, in exceptional cases, a project should be financed solely through university funds. When making such a decision, it is necessary to weigh up such factors as academic significance, possible follow-up projects, and the rights to the research outcomes.

University research with third-party funding

In general, the above-mentioned basic requirements are not comprehensive enough as to enable every project to be implemented. The university is therefore dependent on third parties to finance its projects, at least in part.

a)  The university and its partner(s) can jointly submit an application to a third party (as a collaborative project) to bear at least a proportion of their expenses. If the university is eligible to apply, the costs for the application are borne by the university. If only the partner is eligible to apply, then at least some support is provided. In most cases, all applicants receive their approved funds which they can manage themselves.

b)  The "partner" acts as the contractor towards the university.  The rights and obligations ( expenses, outcomes, rights, etc.) are regulated in a contract. Unless otherwise specified by the contractor, the university receives the funds to manage themselves. The researcher determines how the funds are to be used in relation to the topic of their research.

Part-time research

Professors are also entitled to conduct research on a part-time basis. The advantage here is the faster decision-making process (direct agreement with the researcher). As a rule, it is also expected that all expenses will be reimbursed in such cases. The researcher is responsible for internal relations with the university.

Research for Bachelor's, Diploma or Master's theses

The university is very interested in encouraging practical thesis topics. Since the respective thesis constitutes an exam paper, the requirements stipulated in the individual degree programs' examination regulations are to be observed. Furthermore, the thesis is an independent academic achievement of the student, so the rights to the findings must be clarified in advance with the student and, if necessary, with their university supervisor.

Work placement projects and assignments

These assignments are part of the students' degree programs, meaning work placement regulations and so forth must be taken into account. Any requests regarding this type of research will be forwarded immediately to the respective faculty.