Electrical Engineering Lab

This laboratory is used to teach students in their first semesters a range of fundamental knowledge about electrical engineering.

  1. Introduction to electrical circuits (1) DC circuits
    Contents: Voltage and current dividers, real voltage sources, resistor networks, Kirchhoff's 1st and 2nd law
  2. Introduction to electrical circuits (2) AC circuits
    Contents: Behaviour of real components (ohmic resistance, capacity, inductivity) in AC circuits, phase relationships, between current, voltage dependent on frequency
  3. Introduction to electrical circuits (3) Three-Phase AC
    Contents: Star and delta connection of ohmic resistances, measuring current, voltage and power on three-phase appliances, balanced and unbalanced three-phase loads
  4. Three-phase induction motors
    Contents: Operating behaviour of three-phase induction motors under different load conditions (influence on speed, current and power consumption, power factor, efficiency); reactive power compensation; speed settings
  5. Protective measures according to VDE 0100
    Danger of direct or indirect contact with electrical circuits; comparison of autotransformers and isolation transformers; use, mode of operation and characteristics of miniature circuit breakers and residual current circuit breakers

Dipl.-Ing. paed. Helko Starke

Laboratory Engineer

+49 361 6700-5570h.starke@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | 9.1.31