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Studying and work placements abroad

There is a wide range of funding options for studying or doing a work placement abroad, ranging from BAföG grants to the EU's Erasmus program, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and other private funding organizations.

The Department of Architecture has international cooperation agreements with several universities:

For more information, visit the International Office website.

Field trips & workshops

Field trips abroad are an important part of both Bachelor's and Master's programs in Architecture. In addition, there are always international workshops and summer schools abroad.

Studying in Erfurt

The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt offers the opportunity to attain a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Architecture. Our university is characterized by its compact degree programs, concentrated teaching and a high degree of practical relevance. The faculty’s site at Schlüterstraße provides a communicative and cooperative studying environment, offering a contemporary infrastructure such as analogue and digital workshops, a library, computer pools and studios.