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  3. Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Forestry
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  5. Master Management of Forestry Businesses

Master’s in Management of Forestry Businesses

The globalization of (timber) markets, climate change, society's changing expectations of forestry operations, the privatization of formerly state-run responsibilities and structural transformation in forestry businesses are all defining the far-reaching process of change currently taking place in the forestry industry. The traditional job description of a forester is evolving into goal-oriented "forest management", in which increasingly divergent ecological, economic and social goals need to be aligned. There is an increasing demand for more comprehensive expertise, especially on economic issues in forestry.

The Master’s in “Management of Forestry Businesses” focuses on forestry operations, building on the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's degree and supplementing it with specific forestry subjects. Particular attention is paid to economic issues that are highly relevant in a forestry business. The Master's degree enables graduates to make decisions and manage forestry operations cost-effectively. This broadens the professional spectrum of the Master's degree compared to the Bachelor's, particularly for managerial and advisory work in the forestry and timber industry, research, politics and development aid.

Program Director

Prof. Dr. Dirk Landgraf


The Master's in Management of Forestry Businesses focuses on the business and organizational aspects of the forestry and timber industry with a view to strengthening management skills. The core forestry subjects are explored in more depth and supplemented by interdisciplinary qualifications and skills.

Objectives of the degree program:

Specialization and broadening of business management expertise

  • e.g. accounting for forestry, taxes in agricultural and forestry operations, financing
  • specialization in forest economics (e.g. profitability of tree species, forest investments...)
  • comparisons of forestry businesses
  • recruitment and human resources management
  • internal and external financial reporting

Specialization of forestry expertise

  • approaches to diversifying forestry operations (e.g. renewable energies, burials, CO2 credits, etc.)
  • inventory sampling, logistics, silviculture
  • legal aspects of forestry management and politics
  • wildlife management

Additional skills

  • project management (e.g. project acquisition, project controlling)
  • setting up a business (e.g. founding your own company or taking over a business)
  • communications and public relations
  • Title Master Management of Forestry Businesses
  • Qualification/degree Master (Master of Science)
  • Duration 3 semesters
  • Mode of study full-time
  • Flexibility Open for occasional students
    Open to affiliate students
    Part-time studies possible
  • Beginning Summer semester
    Winter semester
  • Costs -
  • Period for enrolment 01.02. - 15.03.
  • General Requirements Yes Show
  • Special Requirements No
  • International application Show

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