International, English-taught MA course
The conservation / restoration department was founded in 1994 as an independent diploma course. The main areas of study offered since then have been: “Archaeological cultural assets and handicraft objects”, “Stained Glass and Objects made of Glass”, “Mosaic”, “Stone Scultpures and Architecture”, “Technical Cultural Assets” and “Wall Painting and Architectural Polychromy”. Our renowned scientific laboratory is known far beyond the borders of Thuringia and Germany.
Since its inception, the Conservation and Restoration program had successfully trained qualified restorers for over thirteen years. As part of the Bologna process, the range of courses was restructured, leading to the subject offering a consecutive Bachelor's and Master's Degree from 2007.
After 25 years of successful training of restorers on a national level, the department had planned to move on to the international stage. That is why, on behalf of the university management, the department began to design the concept of an international Master course in 2017, which represented a consistent further development of what had been successfully built up over the past few years. For this purpose, it was also possible to fall back on our good experience with international students.
After detailed discussion of various models, taking into account the given potential as well as the situation on the education and labour market in Germany and in an international context, the Conservation and Restoration department had a concept for an international English-taught Master of Arts in Preservation and Heritage Management (MA PHM) presented with the focus on restoration in the preservation of historical monuments.
The concept was unanimously approved by the academic committee for the subject on April 28, 2021, but rejected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Conservation / Restoration on June 21, 2021 for capacity reasons. The concept could therefore not be discussed in the Senate of the University of Applied Sciences.
Additional information
International, English-taught Master
- Your studies at Department of Conservation and Restoration (module manuals, Academic Procedures and Regulations RPO, program-specific regulations SSB)
- Exam-related information and forms
- Semester dates of the University of Applied Sciences
- Current events and news from the University of Applied Sciences
The login area (at the top right of the website) will take you to:
- MyFHEcampus
- Moses (online course and room directory)
- Moodle (learning platform)
- Your studies at Department of Conservation and Restoration (module manuals, Academic Procedures and Regulations RPO, program-specific regulations SSB)
- Final Theses
- Scientific documentary work
- Final Theses
- Archaeological heritage and handicraft objects
- Painted surfaces
- Stained glass and objects made of glass
- Mosaics
- Sculptural artwork and architecture made of stone
- Wall painting and architectural facades
- Archaeological heritage and handicraft objects
Opening hours
For the department: Mon. - Thur. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Fri. 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Postal and visitors' addresses
Fachhochschule Erfurt
Fachrichtung Konservierung und Restaurierung
Altonaer Straße 25
99085 Erfurt
Telephone, email and website
Faculty phone: +49 361 6700-9833
Email for Secretary: sekretariat-frkr@fh-erfurt.de
Website: www.fh-erfurt.de/fakultaeten-und-fachrichtungen/bauingenieurwesen-und-konservierung-restaurierung/konservierung-restaurierung
The Friends of the Department of Conservation and Restoration at FH Erfurt
Ms. Ute Edda Hammer
Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen
Hauptmarkt 40
99867 Gotha
Contact (Chair): email
Email: f.mucha@fh-erfurt.de
Tel.: 0361 6700-788
Fax: 0361 6700-778
Please send your samples to
Naturwissenschaftliches Labor
FH Erfurt
FR. Konservierung und Restaurierung
Altonaer Straße 25
99085 Erfurt